German-Danish Networking Event: maritime equipment and services for the protection of critical civil infrastructure

  • Event

1. April 2025 | 9.30 - 15.00 Uhr | Kopenhagen

1. April 2025
Rambøll Head Office
Hannemanns Allé 53
2300 Copenhagen

Free of charge

*Limited number of participants

In light of the current tense geopolitical situation, there is a considerable need for protection and monitoring solutions for critical civil infrastructure at sea in both Germany and Denmark. The protection of critical infrastructure such as large infrastructure projects, ports, energy infrastructure and underwater connections is of high priority. Cross-border collaboration between Denmark and Germany is more crucial than ever.


Teaming up with our partners Danish Maritime, IDA Risk, Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik (GMT) and VDMA Marine Equipment and Systems, we are happy to present this German-Danish industry gathering on civil maritime equipment and services for the protection of critical infrastructure at sea. Leading companies will showcase their cutting-edge technologies and industry experts will share their knowledge. Gain an overview of the current regulatory framework regarding the protection of critical infrastructure at sea in Germany and Denmark, as well as which technologies both countries are looking into.


Seize this opportunity to expand your network within the sector and forge new international connections that can propel your activities in both countries.



8.45Arrival, check-in, breakfast & networking
9.30Welcome and Setting the Scene
Frederik H. Milling, Head of Naval Industry Affairs, Danish Maritime
Kristina Hoffmann, Chairperson, IDA Risk
Rambøll (tbc.)
Andreas Wenzel, CEO, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce
 Welcome by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Regina Hermsdorf, Division- Maritime Industry, Coordinating office of the Federal Government Coordinator for the Maritime Industry
 German political and regulatory landscape
Senior Police Director Nils von Waaden, Head of the Federal Police Sea Division
 Development and status of the German market for civil security
Holger Klindt, Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik / GMT
11.05Coffee & networking
11.25DALO's view on maritime security for critical maritime infrastructure
Commander Anders Lønne Christiansen, Chief Logistics, Coordination Department at the Maritime Capacity Center, Danish Ministry of Defence - Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO)
 The industry’s perspective: Challenges and cooperations
Julie-Sophie Hübertz, Managing Director, Copenhagen Global
12.15Lunch & Networking
13.00Research perspective on the protection of critical maritime infrastructure
Frank Sill Torres, Director (acting), Institute for Protection of Maritime Infrastructures
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
 Wrap-up & discussion
15.00Networking & end of day


On Wednesday, April 2 and Thursday, April 3, the German delegates participating in the conference will be available for direct 1:1 meetings with interested Danish company representatives. Contact us at if you are interested in starting a conversation about future collaborations.

  • Logo
  • IDA
  • Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V.
  • Marine Equipment and Systems
  • GTAI
  • Civil Security Technologies
  • bmwk

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