Yennef Vereycken

Post-doc at KU Leuven, Centre of Sociological Research (CESO)

Yennef Vereycken

Technology, Work, and Power: The Case for Employee Participation

Why involve employees in technological change? Discover how participation boosts innovation, reduces resistance, and shapes better outcomes for all. 

Technological change profoundly impacts work environments and quality of working life, yet its outcomes are shaped by the process itself. Drawing on recent research and case studies, this presentation highlights the crucial role of employee participation in ensuring that technological change fosters healthy and equitable working conditions. We will explore both why and how employees should participate, emphasizing the importance of direct involvement in technology design and the role of social dialogue in safeguarding fair conditions and outcomes.

Bio: Yennef Vereycken is a labor sociologist and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Sociological Research (CESO) at KU Leuven, Belgium. Yennef’s research focuses on the intersections of new technology, quality of working life, and industrial relations, with a strong emphasis on qualitative methodologies. Currently, Yennef is conducting a cross-country comparative case study that examines how technology is changing jobs and social relations in 4 automotive and chemical companies. In addition to research, Yennef teaches Political Economy and Comparative Industrial Relations within the Master’s program in Sociology at KU Leuven. His PhD research delved into the role of employee participation in technological innovation processes within Belgium. Yennef’s work draws on frameworks from organizational studies, including Science and Technology Studies (STS) and critical labor-process theories, providing a robust analytical foundation for exploring contemporary labor dynamics in evolving technological landscapes.

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