Niels Helsø

Product Owner, Laerdal Medical

Billede af oplægsholder Niels Helsø

Give your AI stack a KISS

In the world of AI, sometimes simpler is better. 
This talk is a quest into the benefits of applying the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle to your AI technology stack. 
We'll discuss how streamlining your AI infrastructure can improve performance, make maintenance easier, and bring faster innovation. 
Join this quest to gain my take on how to kiss your AI stack!

Bio: Niels Helsø, Product owner at Laerdal Medical, where he leads the AI team called Hera.
He has worked with multiple AI stacks, from on-prem solutions and hybrid to pure cloud.
His career has been both in the private and public sectors in roles ranging from Data Science to Data engineering, tackling problems ranging from Ideas to production.

Driving IT Konference

Driving IT er IDA IT's store årlige 4-spors konference, hvor alt det vigtige og fremadrettede om IT tages op på en dag.