
CO2 - Seaborne transport

If CO2 could be transported in larger volumes at sea then climate targets could be easier reached. Why is CO2 Seaborne transport so difficult?

IDA Conference., København V

Mandag d. 23. januar 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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All scenarios that are presented in these years predict an amount of Carbon Capture and Storage at around 5 billion tons in 2050. A low estimate is that 20% or 1 billion tons of this will have a maritime leg in the transport chain. This is more than the amount of coal we transport today. This illustrates the enormous need for CO2 ship transport solutions and capacity and maritime stakeholders are positioning themselves for future business for transportation of capture CO2.

Liquid CO2 imposes new risks and challenges to ship design. Research and development are needed to identify optimal solutions.
We will learn about the key challenges with CO2 as cargo!
What is status on CO2 shipping today?
Why do Owners wish to enter a (today) non-existing market for CO2 transport and what are their thoughts?
Why complicate the matter? Transport in dry ice could be a “Columbus egg” option!


17:00 - 17:15 Opening (Bjarne) and a words in memory of Peter Bjerregaard (Hans Otto Kristensen)

17:15 - 18:00 CO2 Shipping – Drivers and Opportunities. Including about 10 mins Q&A’s.  (Erik Mathias Sørhaug).

18:00 - 18:30 Pause

18:30 - 19:00 CO2 transport seen from an Owners point of view. Including about 10 mins Q&A’s. Navigatorgas / Dan-Unity. (Carsten Manniche)

19:00- 19:30 Co2 transport in containers as dry ice.  Including about 10 mins Q&A’s. (Henrik O. Madsen) 


The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and IDA Maritim

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IDA Conference.

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1530 København V


Mandag d. 23. januar 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 23. januar 2023

Kl. 12:00

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