
IMO regulations - Experiences from implementation of new climate and environmental requirements

The presenters will explain how shipowners and manufacturers in partnerships have addressed the mutual challenge of meeting the CII and EEXI requirements and practical learnings will be presented by Owners / Manufacturers and The EPA.


Mandag d. 20. marts 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 19:00



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Learnings from installation, commissioning, operations and tests of ballast water treatment systems during the experience building phase.

The presenters will explain how shipowners and manufacturers in partnerships have addressed the mutual challenge of meeting the CII and EEXI requirements. Although technical solutions can deliver in terms of meeting targets the operational aspects and the changing nature of shipping while aiming for continuous improvements leaves the entire industry with new challenges in meeting the revised IMO greenhouse gas strategy. 

Following the entry into force of the international ballast water convention an experience building phase was launched in 2017. Practical learnings will be presented by Owners / Manufacturers and The Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA has undertaken tests on treated ballast water from a number of ships in Danish waters and conclusions from these voluntary tests will be presented.


17:00 - 17:05 Introduction and welcome by Valdemar Ehlers, Technical Director, Danish Maritime

17:05 - 17:30 Development of EPLs and installation hereof for EEXI compliance
by Christoffer B. Dixen, Head of Product Management, MAN Primeserv 

Insights to how MAN Energy Solution as an engine designer has developed EEXI specific solutions for both mechanically controlled MC and electronically controlled ME engines. The presentation will cover topics from the engineering of the solutions, to the promotion and on-board implementation. Furthermore, insights to the challenges with implementing EEXI solutions to large number of vessels with in a very short time frame will be given.

17:30 - 18:00 Challenges in meeting requirements on EEXI and CII – a practical approach
by Søren Vinther Hansen, PhD, Director, VesOPS 

The Shipping Industry has had relatively short time to meet the requirements of the regulations on EEXI and CII. The requirements, all together, could have a large impact on the way ships are operated in the future and it has therefore been important to understand the impact down to the ship level. The presentation from VesOPS will demonstrate how the implementation could be handled from the shipowner’s point of view.

EEXI – energy efficiency existing ship index 
The index explained – which factors have the largest influence
How to improve the attained index
The verification process
After the power reduction – influence on operations

CII – carbon intensity indicator
The index explained – a measure for emissions and operations
How to improve the ratings
The relation to the SEEMP – Part III
18:00 – 18:30 Break

18:30 – 18:50 Ships energy efficiency – operational aspects
by Ph.D. Søren Vinther Hansen, Director & Naval Architect Andjela Orlovic, Vessel Performance Analyst both VesOPS 
CII – carbon intensity indicator
The indicator explained – a measure for emissions and operations
How to improve the ratings
The relation to the SEEMP – Part III

 18.50 - 19.00 Questions and Closure
by Valdemar Ehlers

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Mandag d. 20. marts 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 19:00


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Mandag d. 20. marts 2023

Kl. 12:00

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