
New energy sources – nuclear insights and debate - Part of Danish Maritime Days 2022

There is a growing understanding of nuclear power’s role in global decarbonization, as new technology is developed, which is fundamentally different from what exists today. Are there still issues, prejudices and dangers to be considered?

IDA Conference., København V

Mandag d. 03. oktober 2022

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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There is a growing understanding of nuclear power’s role in global decarbonization, as new technology is developed, which is fundamentally different from what exists today.
Nuclear could be transforming into an inexpensive, sustainable and safe technology that can out-compete fossil fuels and revolutionize the container ship industry. 
But are there still issues, prejudices and dangers to be considered?


17.00 START
Welcome by organizers
How the maritime approach can accelerate nclear power production
Speaker: Mads Wagner, Seaborg Technologies  
Nuclear waste burners on assembly line" 100 MW every day from 2030.  
Speaker: Thomas Jam Pedersen Copenhagen Atomics  
Questione, the 2 previous speakers will be available for questions  
18.15 BREAK 
The Class, by ABS with guidelines and AiP” ( ONLINE - FROM TEXAS)
 A step in a mass roll-out of nuclear ships from shipbuilders is overcoming the regulatory milestones. Presentation of statements, guidelines and AiP.
Speaker: Patrick Ryan, ABS 

Presentation - Chernobyl then, now and in the future – fostering leadership for resilience.
Speaker: Monica Haage, nuclear specialist


The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Foundation, and a part of Danish Maritime Days (DMD)

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IDA Conference.

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1530 København V


Mandag d. 03. oktober 2022

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 03. oktober 2022

Kl. 12:00

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