The Danish Meteorological Institute

DMI - Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

DMI – The Danish Meteorological Institute

Founded more than 150 years ago, DMI is a governmental agency which serves the Danish society with 24/7 weather services and acts as the official climate-science advisor of the Danish government. With nearly 400 employees, most of whom are based at our headquarters in Østerbro, Copenhagen, we work every day to provide reliable data, information and advice to citizens, businesses and policy-makers about the weather and climate of the future. 

What we do and why we do it

According to the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the need for sophisticated climate services is increasing as the impacts of climate change worsen globally. At DMI, not only do we forecast the weather, but we are the home of two research departments. In practice, the two departments collaborate closely within state-of-the-art research: From historical analyses across real-time forecasting towards climate change, assessing atmospheric, oceanic and land-surface processes and across a range of geographies, also outside Denmark, including e.g. the arctic domain. Currently, DMI is a workplace for more than 100 researchers from across the globe that all conduct forefront research in both highly applied settings as well as core research. The research we conduct is a vital part of our ability to understand, mitigate and adapt to the rapidly changing climate of our planet.

Working as a PhD for DMI 

As a PhD-student at DMI you will typically have a certain share of your working time physically at the DMI headquarters, as agreed between the supervising team. Your main and administrative supervisor will likely be from your host university joined by one or more supervisors from DMI. At DMI you will likely participate in project meetings and scientific dissemination abroad and conduct your research based on either model simulations, observations, field work or combinations of these. You are encouraged to engage into the rich academic environment at DMI and will likely meet openness, support and curiosity across the research team. 

Vist our webpage here: Forside (

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