New insights, growth and blooming friendships in IDA Peer Groups
As a recent graduate in Environmental Science, Maria Triantafillopoulos has received both valuable sparring about navigating in her first job and has made new acquaintances, through one of IDA´s Peer Groups.

af Rikke Nielsen
When Maria Triantafillopoulos started as a junior environmental chemist at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in August 2022, she experienced and learned how theory is used and implemented in practice. In Autumn of 2022, she joined the peer group with the title The first job. The peer group meetings gave her several eye-opening experiences of which she learned how to better navigate her work life and make choices for further development.
- We discussed how to give and receive feedback to your co-workers and managers of different personality types. We also worked with how to say 'no', because there is a tendency for juniors to say yes to everything with the risk of burnout. In the group we discussed if it is okay to say no to a task and how to do it professionally in situations where the workload is large and time is short. We concluded that it is not a weakness, but a strength, to express your doubts to your superiors. This sparring with the others in the group helped me a lot, says Maria
Maria also got a nudge towards making a very specific decision in her work life, which was to transfer to a new position within the Environmental Protection Agency, to a position closer to her educational background and with a bigger team to spar with.
- The IDA Peer Group helped me to be brave enough to make this decision for myself. They made me see that it is a strength to discover how you work best, in my case in a team, and then go for a job where that can be fulfilled. When you are alone with your thoughts, they can seem overwhelming, but when I talked to the others in the peer group, I realized that they had the same considerations, says Maria.
Maria's peer group The first job is facilitated by two volunteer facilitators who have been trained by IDA. The topics that the group works with are decided by the participants. Together with the facilitators, the group agrees on a 'code of conduct' for the group, which creates a safe space for all to share their thoughts and experiences openly and in confidentiality. The group's 'code of conduct' also contribute to give a positive energy within the group. The facilitators are there to guide the group through the day's topic in an effective way and their presence means a lot, if you ask Maria.
- The facilitators really make a difference. They were in the same age range as us participants, which made them very relatable. But at the same time, they act neutral, and they don’t influence our thinking in the exercises, she says.
A new, international network
While Maria is no longer part of the peer group, she and a handful of the other participants keep in touch, and meet up for different activities from time to time.
- The peer group has been a great way to network and make new friends. We know each other´s personal stories and challenges and that makes a good foundation for creating friendships, says Maria and continues:
- The international aspect of the group was very interesting for me. You have other challenges, when you are not a native Dane, and I find it interesting to meet people who have been brave and moved away from their home countries to seek new opportuinities. It adds another perspective to the discussions we have at the meetings. Nationality and culture affect the way of thinking. This composition of the peer group also reflects how the working environments are today and are going to be in the future. I think the international and global footprint is here to stay.
The peer group also included several native Danes, which meant that the participants could bond over the similarities and differences across nationalities, which resulted in some interesting conversations and insights. The group also took time to share cultural traditions from their home countries and how they have adapted these to their life in Denmark.
- I found it very positive that IDA as a union provides the opportunity for all its members, regardless of their nationality, to expand their network and develop personally and professionally. It creates an optimism and a sense of unification across borders, says Maria.
Because of this positive experience, Maria started the IDA’s educational program to become a facilitator herself. In that way she can help others work with the challenges and considerations they may experience in their work lives and careers. Currently, Maria is facilitating the IDA Peer Group Career development and work life
IDA offers a wide variety of peer groups in English. Find the full list here