
3D printet byggeri – ”State of the art” - internationalt og mulighederne i Danmark / 3D Construction Printing

Contour Crafting, Apis Cor, Cazza og andre af verdens førende indenfor 3D printet byggeri vil dele deres viden/erfaringer. De store materiale- og teknik leverandører, samt entreprenører vil give deres syn på teknologiens muligheder også her i Danmark.

Torsdag d. 30. november 2017

Kl. 09:00 - 17:00



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Kom på forkant med en teknologi, som er på vej til at ændre byggebranchen fundamentalt som følge af mulighederne for automatiseret produktion, større arkitektoniske frihedsgrader og mere bæredygtighed.

Konferencen støttes af Grøn Omstillingsfond, og er derfor gratis at deltage i, men tilmelding er nødvendig.
Konferencen arrangeres af Partnerskabet for 3D Printet Byggeri (www.3dprintetbyggeri.dk) i samarbejde med IDA Byg, Ingeniørforeningen IDA. Partnerskabet består af 3D Printhuset A/S, NCC Danmark A/S, FORCE Technology og Gips Recycling.

Arkitekt, designer og TV-vært, Emil Thorup er konferencier og ordstyrer på dagen.


09.00 Velkomst
v/ Henrik Lund-Nielsen, Partnerskabet for 3D Printet Byggeri og Ersün Züfer, Formand for IDA Byg

The Possibilities

09.05 Architectural possibilities as a consequence of 3D printet construction
v/ Jan Søndergaard, Professor, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole (School of Architecture) and KHR Arkitekter

09.20 Contour Crafting - The frst 3D construction printing company in the world
v/ Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis (USC), Founder and CEO of Contour Crafting, LA, USA

09.45 Cazza Construction - Using 3D construction printers to make skyscrapers
v/ Chris Kelsey, CEO, Cazza Construction, US/Dubai

10.10 3D Construction Printing around the World
v/Henrik Lund-Nielsen, Partnerskabet for 3D Printet Byggeri

10.30 Break

The actual projects

10.50 CyBe Constructions - Redefining construction with 3D concrete printing and robots
v/ Berry Hendriks, Founder and CEO of CyBe Constructions, The Netherlands

11.15 Winsun - The worlds frst 3D printed apartment and offces
v/ Mr. Ma, President, Winsun Construction

11.45 Apis Cor Ltd. - Building a house in 24 hours with 3D construction printing
v/ Nikita Chen-yun-tai, Founder and CEO of Apis Cor, Moscow, Russia

12.00 Lunch & Networking

The Views of the Large Materials and Building Companies

13.00 Sika Group AG - Why Sika has become involved in 3D construction printing
v/ Armin Bruehwiler, Ingenieur Systemtechnik FH, Sika Technology

13.25 Vinci Construction - Why invest in 3D construction companies like XtreeE
v/ Alice Blouet, Project Leader, Vinci Construction and Alban Mallet, Architect XtreeE, The Large Scale 3D

13.50 Royal BAM Group - BAM’s digital transformation
v/ Menno de Jonge, Director of Digital Construction, Royal BAM Group

14.15 Panel debate - State of the art, 3D construction printing now and in the future
v/ Among all of the above

14.45 Pause

Danske erfaringer og muligheder

15.05 Materialer, herunder genandevendelige, der kan bruges til 3D printet byggeri
v/ Jens D. Henriksen, Beton specialist, Force Institute

15.25 Konstruktionsmæssige udfordringer ved 3D printet byggeri
v/ Kaare F. Jørgensen, Konceptudviklingschef, NCC Danmark A/S

15.45 Myndighedgodkendelse af 3D printet byggeri
v/ Ergin Mefail, EFM Consult og Morten Bøgedal, Byg og Miljøprojektleder, Center for byplanlægning, Københavns Kommune

16.05 3D printet byggeri i Danmark - The BOD, Europas første 3D printede bygning
v/ Jakob Jørgensen, Teknisk chef, 3D Printhuset

16.30 Panel debat - Mulighederne i Danmark
v/ Ovenstående talere


Indlæggene bliver på dansk og engelsk / Language will be Danish and English!

Se det trykte program nederst på siden her under Filer! / Wiew the printet programme on this page!

Læs gerne artiklen om Europas første 3D printede hus, der skal ligge i Nordhavnen

OBS! Der bliver opkrævet et "no show" gebyr på 500 kr., hvis du udebliver uden afmelding.


Speakers; What can you hear

The American professor who invented 3D construction printing

Chinese Winsun which constructed “Offce of theFuture” in Dubai using 3D printed concrete

The 3D print techology which results in more architectural possibilities and more sustainability in the construction industry

The BOD - The frst 3D printed building in Europe which is in the process of being build by 3D Printhuset

A 3D printed house constructed in 24 hours by Apis Cor Construction of skyscrapers using 3D print by Cazza

The world-leading enterprises within 3D construction printing will share their experiences and visions on
November 30, 2017.

Be at the forefront of a technology which is in the process of changing the construction industry fundamentally
as a consequence of the possibilities of automated production, greater architectural degrees of freedom and more sustainability.

The conference is supported by Green business development fund and is therefore free of charge, but registration is required.

The conference is arranged by the Partnership for 3D Construction Printing in cooperation with the Danish Association of Engineers (IDA). The partnership consists of 3D Printhuset A/S, NCC Danmark A/S,
FORCE Technology and Gypsum Recycling international.

To allow all participants and speakers the opportunity to talk to each other and to SEE THE BOD – EUROPES FIRST 3D PRINTED BUILDING (which we from 3D Printhuset have finished the 3D printing of) – we invite all participants and speakers for an unformal gathering after the conference at The BOD (there will be a big tent covering the building, which probably is not going to be complete at the time of the conference), where we will serve snacks and drinks.
The address of The BOD is: Kattegatvej 2, 2150 Nordhavn (Copenhagen Harbour North)


The Conference is free of charge, but there is a no show fee of 500 DKK.

If you have problems with registration please do not hesitate to contact Helle Borch at hbo@ida.dk

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Torsdag d. 30. november 2017

Kl. 09:00 - 17:00


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Onsdag d. 29. november 2017

Kl. 15:00

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