
AI Tools and Digitalization in the Front-End Planning of Large Infrastructure Projects

Join us for a day of learning, practical workshops and networking with other construction and risk management professionals. Swedish and local experts will share their experiences on leveraging AI in construction project planning.

IDA Conference, København V

Fredag d. 28. marts 2025

Kl. 09:00 - 16:00


Tilmeldingsfrist 24. marts 2025 - kl. 23:55


BeskrivelseLink kopieret

Are we witnessing a hype or a boom of AI tools in construction project planning? Or maybe both?

Join our expert speakers and particpants for impluse talks, workshops and networking on the current state of AI in construction project planning, espeically early requirements, cost and solution specification. We will discuss our practical experiences, expectations of the value of using AI tools, as well as the new risks that AI tools introduce into construction projects.

We will be joined by speakers and colleagues from Sweden.

The event is generously supported by Chalmers University and Yolean, and offered free of charge.


  • 09:00 Arrival and registration
  • 09:30 Welcome and introduction. The promise and risk of AI in construction project planning. Dag Bergsjö, Chalmers University and Josef Oehmen, DTU
  • 10:00 Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Construction Project Risk Management - Karim Meaouia, CK&CO  
  • 10:40 Small break
  • 10:50 Applying Systems Engineering to complex infrastructure projects, Industrial needs and Research Challenges. Per Persson, Trafikverket & Chalmers University 
  • 11:30 Workshop 1: Benefits of AI Support in Risk Management
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 Integrating AI in the decision making in construction design. Outcomes and challenges for complex construction projects. Amer Catic, CEO Yolean
  • 14:15 Workshop 2: Challenges of Implementing AI Support in Risk Management
  • 15:00 Step 0 for using AI: Collecting, Cleaning and Warehousing Project Risk Data. Andreas Claus Hansen, Bygningsstyrelsen
  • 15:30 Wrap up & Farewell
  • 16:00 End of event



Organizer: IDA Risk - IDA, Engineering Society in collaboration with Chalmers University and Yolean.

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IDA Conference

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1780 København V

Location: See the information board in the reception area


Fredag d. 28. marts 2025

Kl. 09:00 - 16:00


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Mandag d. 24. marts 2025

Kl. 23:55

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