
AI video course: A comprehensive introduction

Where are we with AI video? Which tools work? And how are they linked together? Gain insight into the current state of video AI, through a series of cases and demonstrations that show the potential of the technology.

IDA Conference, København V.

Fredag d. 21. marts 2025

Kl. 09:00 - 15:30

Fra 850 kr.

Tilmeldingsfrist 20. marts 2025 - kl. 23:55


BeskrivelseLink kopieret

The course is held by Morten Rockford Ravn, who has 15 years of experience in the creative field as both a visual artist and designer. Morten's work has been presented in media such as BBC, Dezeen, RUM, DR, VICE and Vogue. 

In 2019, he started working with the early generative AI models for producing images and has since taught many of Denmark's largest architectural firms, design companies and creative agencies. The experience he has gained on this journey is distilled in this course into a bouillon cube that encapsulates the current state of AI video. 

In the course, you will gain insight into workflows within AI video production developed over the past year and a half and have the opportunity to test the new tools for setting images in motion yourself.  

  • Introduction to generative AI: Learn about the basis of video generation with
    generative AI and the application possibilities.
  • Hands-on training: Get
    practical experience using AI tools to set images in motion.
  • Case studies and examples: Learn from real projects and discover how
    generative AI can help bring your ideas to life.

The course is intended as a complete introduction to the current landscape within AI video production. Morten will share the most potent tools, which can then form the basis for further experiments with the technology. 

AI video is complex. The purpose of the course is to make it simple. Rome wasn't built in a day, but you'll get the insight that will enable you to bring your visions to life with AI over time. 


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IDA Conference

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1780 København V.

Bring your own computer


Fredag d. 21. marts 2025

Kl. 09:00 - 15:30



850 kr.

Medlem af arrangør

850 kr.


850 kr.


850 kr.


850 kr.


850 kr.

Ikke IDA-medlem

1.350 kr.


Torsdag d. 20. marts 2025

Kl. 23:55

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