
Case Competition: Oticon Explorer 2024

Become an Audio Explorer in New York! Win a trip to NYC with Oticon – all expenses paid. Sign up for the 2024 competition here

Fra onsdag d. 10. april 2024. kl. 10:00

Til onsdag d. 24. april 2024. kl. 23:30



BeskrivelseLink kopieret

Would you like to join Oticon’s engineers for an action-packed study trip to NYC along with other engineering students from Danish universities?

You will battle with students from all over Denmark. 

To pick the 25 winners for the trip, Oticon is launching a challenging engineering competition in the spring of 2024. You can compete in one or more of the following challenges: Mechanical-, electrical-, or Software development.

The sign-up deadline is April 9th - sign up and learn more here!

You - and teams from all over DK - can win a spot on the Audio Explorers Team and join us on the NYC trip on August 28 to September 3 2024

The program in New York!

In NYC the Audio Explorers Team will be equipped with a small sound measuring device. While we move around in the city, the Sound Activity Meter will automatically gather sound data from the surroundings and send it to a special Audio Explorers app on your phone.

The activities will be centered around engineering-relevant topics, but you can also look forward to plenty of time to go shopping, sightseeing, and enjoying nice food at good restaurants.

Every evening we will read out the data from the Sound Activity Meter to create a complete overview of the soundscape of the places we have visited during the day.

Oticon will pay all costs except an occasional lunch, when you have time on your own. 

Who can participate and what do I do?

To participate, you have to study engineering and focus on either electronics, mechanics or software or study other programs with the same focus on either electronics, mechanics or software.

You sign up as a group (2-4 persons) within one of the three areas above and have two weeks to come up with a solution to the challenge. How you hand in your solution is up to you. You can e.g. use PowerPoint, 1-pager, poster, mockup or video presentation, or something else.

We know that some of you are busy with exams – don’t hesitate to sign up. A one-pager is better than handing in nothing. We look at the overall picture, mindset, and solution skills when judging your answers. Let your creativity loose. 

We will send out the challenge questions on April 9th. The deadline for your solution is April 24th at 12:00. We will announce the winners on May 3rd. 

Wanna join? Sign up!

Sign up and learn more here from Feb 1st to April 9th. 

Check out our facebook page to see videos and pictures from the previous three years’ trips @ www.facebook.com/audioexplorers

Praktisk InfoLink kopieret



Fra onsdag d. 10. april 2024. kl. 10:00

Til onsdag d. 24. april 2024. kl. 23:30


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