
Course: Introduction to plastics - focusing on injection moulding

The course provides a solid foundation of knowledge required to design robust parts that reduce the risk of less than optimum mould designs; minimizing exposure to injection moulding non-conformities.

DTU, Kgs. Lyngby

Fra onsdag d. 05. marts 2025. kl. 09:00

Til torsdag d. 06. marts 2025. kl. 16:00

Fra 9.495 kr.


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This course is designed to provide participants with the key principles of design for manufacture and injection moulding.

Participants follow the life cycle of a part from initial design to mould tooling and finally manufacture.

Participants will identify the links between part design, material selection, mould design and injection moulding to understand the key principles of each.

A key component of the course is to identify injection moulding challenges based upon material selection, part design, mould design and mould construction.
This creates an understanding of actions and consequences with the objective or eliminating significant issues through a parts design life cycle.

Participants will study concepts of tolerancing, material selection, product application, key design principles, the impact of different part features and consequences of design activities.
CAE is a common practice in DFM and how this activity can support DFM will be discussed.

Course structure
Theory based course with interactive activities.

Course highlights
  • Plastic Material Selection
  • Injection Moulding Processing Overview
  • Mould Tool Concepts & Design Considerations
  • Part Design Best Practices
  • Interactions between Material Selection, Part Design & Mould Design
The seminar is ideal for
Production Personnel, Process Personnel, Quality Personnel, Design Personnel & Process Support Personnel.


The teacher
Anthony Goff is the Consulting & Training Manager for NE EMEA at RJG Technologies. He has 25 year’s experience working in the injection moulding industry as a consultant and trainer. He has extensive knowledge supporting customers through the life cycle of plastic parts. His knowledge supports customers from conceptional design through to mass production. Anthony specialises in process optimisation and how this can be used to identify and overcome challenges with part design, material selection, mould design and equipment capabilities. Anthony has been a qualified Trainer at RJG for 7 years and conducted training courses on all aspects of injection moulding at G&A Moulding Technology previously for 15 years.

Day 1 (time 09:00-17:00)

Registration and breakfast

Seminar Overview & Introduction

DFM introduction – link to successful moulding

Plastic Material Section
  • Material Types
  • Material Characteristics
  • Material Performance
  • Moulding Implications
  • Design Implications
Processing Section
  • Four Plastic Variables
  • Managing Differentials
  • Process optimisation of parameters at each of the four plastic variables
  • What process optimisation identifies as part, mould, material issues
  • Troubleshooting to define root cause and solution
Mould Tool Section
  • Mould Tool concepts
  • Mould design best practices
  • Design for part features
Course dinner if you register for that.

Day 2 (time 08:00 – 16:00)

Design Section
  • Part design best practices
  • DFM Activities including part specification
  • Introduction to CAE analysis
  • Tolerancing & Shrinkage
    (Includes standard tolerancing concepts, metal safe concepts and sizing of mould)
  • Material Selection
  • Material Selection – Part Design – Mould Design Interaction
    (Includes tool design and construction, hot runner selection
Registration fee
   9.495 DKK Members of Teknologisk Videndeling or a promoting partners – IDA Polymer, IDA Mechanical, PlastIndustrien, Dansk Materiale Netværk (DMN)
 10.395 DKK Non-members

Includes sessions during the two days, educational materials, luncheons and coffee breaks. Excl. dinner first evening and hotel booking. You can buy dinner in the registration flow (price DKK 500 excl. VAT).

All prices are excluded of Danish VAT 25%.

There is no online registration at Registration is handled directly by ATV-SEMAPP

The seminar is organized by ATV-SEMAPP and IDA Polymer is a partner in marketing the seminar.
You register directly to ATV-SEMAPP and IDA Polymer will recieve the participantlist after the event.
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Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Bygning 101A, Mødelokale 1

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Meeting Center, Building 101, Room S02


Fra onsdag d. 05. marts 2025. kl. 09:00

Til torsdag d. 06. marts 2025. kl. 16:00



9.495 kr.

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9.495 kr.


9.495 kr.


9.495 kr.


9.495 kr.


9.495 kr.


Mandag d. 03. marts 2025

Kl. 23:59

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IDA Polymer


IDA Mechanical

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