DANA V - Denmark's New Research Vessel
DTU is building Denmark’s upcoming research vessel, Dana V. Dana V is currently in the design stage and expected to be ready for launch in the start of 2027. Participate in this first event of the Autum 2024.
IDA Conference, København V
Mandag d. 23. september 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
The evolving times have brought about new challenges for research vessels, necessitating higher standards than ever before. The new design will integrate platforms for research, innovation and education in the maritime sector.
During the event, the owner and designer of the vessel will outline the requirements of a modern research vessel and discuss its unique features. The evening will also delve into the new possibilities for maritime education on board Dana V.
KNUD E HANSEN has developed the concept design, and in consortium with OMT an extensive tender design for the 70-m Arctic Research Vessel, DANA V. KEH will present the design development, features and some of the technology used in the design process.
DTU is building Denmark’s upcoming research vessel, Dana V. Dana V is currently in the design stage and expected to be ready for launch in the start of 2027. The evolving times have brought about new challenges for research vessels, necessitating higher standards than ever before. The new design will integrate platforms for research, innovation and education in the maritime sector.
During the event, the owner and designer of the vessel will outline the requirements of a modern research vessel and discuss its unique features. The evening will also delve into the new possibilities for maritime education on board Dana V.
17:00 - 17:10 Introduction and welcome Mette Sanne Hansen, Head of Center, Maritime DTU
17:10 – 18:00 DANA V Operating area, Jesper Sandager, Skibsfører, DTU Aqua
DTU will give a presentation about our new vessel DANA V, use of the vessel, operating area, ideas behind the design development and explain about the tendering process.
18:00 – 18:30 Break - VR demonstration
18:30 - 19:20 Concept Design by Mike Sears, Project Manager & Senior Naval Architect, Knud E. Hansen.
A view on new vessel design concept. KNUD E HANSEN has developed the concept design, and in consortium with OMT an extensive tender design for the 70-m Arctic Research Vessel, DANA V. KEH will present the design development, features and some of the technology used in the design process.
19:20 – 19.30 The building of DANA V as an educational platform by Harry Brandford Bringham, DTU
19:30 – 19:35 Closure by Mette Sanne Hansen, Head of Center, Maritime DTU
19:35 – 20:00 VR demonstration
The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
Please remember to unregister if you are unable to attend. Otherwise there will be a no-show fee of 200 DKK.
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IDA Conference
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
1780 København V
Mandag d. 23. september 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
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Mandag d. 23. september 2024
Kl. 12:00
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