ESG reporting and new EU regulations for shipping
During this meeting we will look into ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for shipping companies and how operational data is becoming more and more important for company wide reporting about fuel consumption and emissions.
IDA Conference., København V
Mandag d. 04. marts 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
We will look into the different perspectives and impact of these regulations and frameworks, and touch upon strategies for compliance that could become relevant in the future for shipping companies.
by Frederik Hammer Berthelsen, Vessel Performance Specialist, DFDS. Co-organizers are Peter Blach, projektchef, Maskinmestrenes Forening and Valdemar Ehlers, Technical Director, Danish Maritime
by Aske Breining Nielsen, Specialkonsulent, Danish Shipping
by Lina Barsøe, Head of Decarbonization Pathway, DFDS
by Amandine Godet, PhD, DTU, George Panagakos, Senior Researcher, DTU, and Michael Bruhn Barfoed, Associate Professor, DTU
as a benchmarking tool for strengthening the regulatory framework of international shipping. Furthermore, the presentation will broaden the unit of concern from a single ship to a fleet of ships and provide evidence-based insights into the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of compliance options for reducing GHG emissions in the shipping industry.
by Gijsbert De Jong, Nordic Area Manager, Bureau Veritas
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IDA Conference.
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
1530 København V
Mandag d. 04. marts 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
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Mandag d. 04. marts 2024
Kl. 12:00
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