
ESG reporting and new EU regulations for shipping

During this meeting we will look into ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for shipping companies and how operational data is becoming more and more important for company wide reporting about fuel consumption and emissions.


Mandag d. 04. marts 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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Furthermore, we will look into the regulations EU ETS implemented in 2024 and FuelEU Maritime that will come into force in 2025. We will look into the different perspectives and impact of these regulations and frameworks, and touch upon strategies for compliance that could become relevant in the future for shipping companies.


17.00 Welcome
by Frederik Hammer Berthelsen, Vessel Performance Specialist, DFDS. Co-organizers are Peter Blach, projektchef, Maskinmestrenes Forening and Valdemar Ehlers, Technical Director, Danish Maritime

17.05 Overview of ESG reporting and EU regulations
by Aske Breining Nielsen, Specialkonsulent, Danish Shipping

17.30 Impact of reporting and regulation on a shipping company
by Lina Barsøe, Head of Decarbonization Pathway, DFDS

ESG data, especially about GHG emissions, is becoming more and more important and necessary to track and report. The tracking is very important to build a strategy for the future of DFDS and to track if the initiatives are working.
Reporting is becoming a bigger need due to increased regulation and stricter reporting measures. Furthermore, customers and society are also asking for this data. 

18.00 Break and refreshments

18.30 Operational cycles and an evidence-based assessment of compliance options
by Amandine Godet, PhD, DTU, George Panagakos, Senior Researcher, DTU, and Michael Bruhn Barfoed, Associate Professor, DTU

The NICE project at DTU Management has worked on technical and operational approaches over the past three years to develop an indicator that can effectively reflect all attributes of a ship's energy efficiency.
Detailed technical and operational data for containerships have been analyzed to propose a weather-normalized indicator and apply it on standardized pre-determined operational cycles for different ship sizes. This presentation will concern
the development of the cycles and how they can be used as a benchmarking tool for strengthening the regulatory framework of international shipping. Furthermore, the presentation will broaden the unit of concern from a single ship to a fleet of ships and provide evidence-based insights into the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of compliance options for reducing GHG emissions in the shipping industry.

19.15 The Foundation of sustainable shipping
by Gijsbert De Jong, Nordic Area Manager Bureau Veritas

ESG reporting and regulation pave the way for sustainable shipping and is therefore well connected. Examples of metrics on sustainability will be discussed together with regulatory compliance, where it is not only about GHG emissions. 

19:50 Wrap up by the organizers


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Mandag d. 04. marts 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 04. marts 2024

Kl. 12:00

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