Handling of new fuels in ports - bunkering, safety, and infrastructure
Harbours are infrastructural hubs and play an important part in the green transition, with functions for both storage, and transportation, and large offtake of fuels. Join us for a talk about the challenges we face in the near future.
IDA Conference, København V
Mandag d. 18. november 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
Harbours are infrastructural hubs and play an important part in the green transition, with functions for both storage, and transportation, and large offtake of fuels.
The development and use of greener fuel technologies is well underway, but not without its challenges – join us for a talk about these challenges, as well as the green development opportunities, that Danish harbours will face in the near future.
17.00 Introduction and welcome
by Anders Viborg Kristensen, Business Developer, DBI
17.10 Bornholm Bunker Hub, the green gas station in the Baltic Sea
by Maja Felicia Bendtsen Chief Business Officer, Port of Rønne
17.45 Bunkering New Fuels in Ports – Opportunities & Challenges
by Monjasa - Almanda Terese Molter
18.15 Break
18.50 New Safety Perspectives for Ports
by Carsten Møller Senior Business Developer
19.25 Fire in Ports, by Survey Association
by Kurt Rye Damkjær
19.55 Round off and closure
by Anders Viborg Kristensen, DBI
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IDA Conference
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
1780 København V
Mandag d. 18. november 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
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Mandag d. 18. november 2024
Kl. 12:00
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