
Lectures about code quality

IDA + SFA event at Alsion: Practical approaches and limitations of using TDD for safety critical code and Modernizing Collaborative Software Development Projects with StaticAnalysis Tool.

SDU Sønderborg, Sønderborg

Mandag d. 15. april 2024

Kl. 16:00 - 18:30



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Practical approaches and limitations of using TDD for safety critical code. 

This talk considers the use of Test Driven Development for use on functional safety projects. The process and technical considerations for successful adoption of a TDD approach and their implications for selection and use of unit test tools. The Cantata commercial C/C++ unit and integration testing tool and GoogleTest will be used in examples. 

Speaker: Matt Davis, Managing Director of QASystems Ltd, and a regular international conference speaker on software verification and standards compliance 


Modernizing Collaborative Software Development Projects with StaticAnalysis Tool 

Modern collaborative SW development projects commonly utilize a GIT based CI centric

tool chain, with the developers using an IDE on their local desktop. The expectation of this audience is for Static Analysis (SAST) to operate as an invisible and automated element in that environment, able to present its findings in the native tool chains user interfaces rather than having to rely on the SAST tools proprietary user interface. 

In this presentation, we will show how CodeSecures Codesonar Static Analysis tool can meet these requirements, by reporting results directly into several popular CI interfaces or IDEs using the SARIF industry standard. 

In addition, we will introduce Codesonars support for analysing a range of languages, whose current list extends to C/C++/C#/Java/Kotlin/Python/Rust/JavaScript/TypeScript and Go, enabling Codesonar to provide end to end SAST coverage for multi-language application


Finally, we will highlight several Codesonar features including its support for important Industry Coding Standards such as MISRA, CERT, AutoSar, OWASP and others. 

Speaker: Rob Daulton, Senior Field Application Engineer at CodeSecure


Sandwiches will be served - if you have special dietary needs, then you can order a chicken sandwich or vegetarian sandwich by sending an email to Krzysztof (

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SDU Sønderborg

Alsion 2

6400 Sønderborg

Alsion, M307 (main entrance and then elevator to the third floor, red meeting box)


Mandag d. 15. april 2024

Kl. 16:00 - 18:30


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Onsdag d. 10. april 2024

Kl. 23:55

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