Min Fede Hjerne: Filmvisning med CPH:DOX
Det er et paradoks, at verdens befolkning bliver tykkere og tykkere, når mange drømmer om og kæmper for at være tynde. Hvorfor kan vægten ikke styres?
Fra fredag d. 22. marts 2024. kl. 12:00
Til søndag d. 31. marts 2024. kl. 23:59
Praktisk information om billetter
Når du har tilmeldt dig arrangementet, modtager du en bekræftelsesmail, hvor du kan læse om, hvordan du får adgang til filmen. Billetten gælder til denne film i 48 timer indenfor festivalperioden (22. til 31. marts 2024), fra du har aktiveret linket.
Koden, du skal indtaste, når du skal se filmen, er sendt ud senest den 22. marts 2024 kl. 13.00 (tjek gerne dit spamfilter, hvis den ikke er nået frem).
I wish I was five kilos lighter than I am now, thinks director Mette Korsgaard. She wants to lose weight – just a little. It’s been like that for many years. In fact, almost all her life. In her youth, the body ideal was Barbie, Twiggy the model and Olivia Newton-John, and now that she’s grown up, it’s still the same. So at the start of a new year, she goes all in and tries a number of different diets to find out why it’s so hard to lose weight without putting it back on. Powder diet, pill diet, exercise diet. Over the course of the year, the instructor tries them all and, together with two researchers, investigates how the body and brain react along the way, providing completely new insights. A personal investigation into mankind’s destructive obsession with weight loss and excessive focus on kilos rather than health..
Practical info regarding tickets:
Once you have registered for the event, you will receive a confirmation email where you can read about how to access the film. The ticket is valid for this film for 48 hours within the festival period (22 to 31 March 2024), from when you have activated the link.
The code you need to enter the movie has been sent out no later than March 22, 2024, at 13.00 (please check your spam filter if it hasn't arrived).
Fra fredag d. 22. marts 2024. kl. 12:00
Til søndag d. 31. marts 2024. kl. 23:59
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Fredag d. 22. marts 2024
Kl. 11:00
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