
Offshore Wind - Trends and New Ship Designs

Recently we have seen development of a lot of innovative concepts and vessels for offshore wind turbine installation and service operations.


Mandag d. 06. marts 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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At this event some of the most innovative players will present their latest designs and expectations for future trends for installation and service vessels with a special focus on safety, efficiency and sustainability in an environment challenged by wishes for increased water depths, increased weather windows and larger turbines.

17:00 - 17:15 Welcome and introduction
by John Koch Nielsen, FORCE Technology

17:15 - 18:00  Green vessels for offshore wind – Ørsted requirements and expectations
by Steffen Clayton Hansen, Ørsted

Ørsted is a truly global organisation with an increased footprint in new markets, but equally important a growing portfolio in existing ones. How does Ørsted cater for operations with increasing Wind Turbine Generators and Offshore Sub Stations volumes? How does this expansion affect the transition on their vessel portfolio to “green fuels” without compromising daily operations? And not least how has that transformation affected their vessel performance and standards? The short answer is that it has been a big challenge but Ørsted sees “green fuel” vessels as part as of the solution and a natural technological advancement without any compromises.

18:00 - 18:30 Refreshments

18:30 - 19:10 CADELER’s next generation of Wind Turbine Installation Vessels (WTIV)
by Adrian Coman, CADELER

In 2024, Cadeler takes delivery of its first newbuild in a series of four WTIV´s. All four units will be “state of the art” and highly capable jack-up wind farm installation vessels, featuring two X-class optimized for transport and installation of wind turbines and two F-class optimized for transport and installation of foundations.
Cadeler will present the trends of offshore wind farm installation vessels and the design of the Cadeler newbuilds. Focus will be on sustainability, operational efficiency, and onboard safety.

19:10 - 19:50 Offshore Vessels for Future Wind Farms – Developments within Maersk Supply Service
by Frederik Smidth and Anton Slozkin, Maersk Supply Service
In their presentation, Maersk Supply Service will give an overview of the recent developments in the offshore vessels for the installation of next generation Fixed and Floating Wind Farms.These vessels will comply with future capacity requirements. The presentation will also give an overview of whether traditional and well-established vessel types, such as Subsea Support Vessels or Anchor Handling Tugs, could be an effective solution for the installation of Future Wind Farms.

19:50 - 20:00 Closure

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Mandag d. 06. marts 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 06. marts 2023

Kl. 12:00

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