
Ship Stability

The ship stability group – a technical network under IDA Maritim – will present the topics of today. The presentations will cover the subject stability from practical considerations thorough regulation to implementation.


Mandag d. 24. oktober 2022

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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The ongoing work in IMO and EU with regards to both intact and damage stability will be covered with a special focus at “The second generation of intact stability criteria” (SGISC). At present we do not know the consequences of implementing these new rules or how the implementation can be performed in practice.  The last presentation will reflection on how stability of a vessel is connected to many other subject areas as e.g. energy and fire.

The presentations will be in English.


Welcome by Marie Lützen, Syddansk Universitet

17:05 - 17:20 The stability Network in IDA Maritime by Jens Peter Mose Baltsersen, DFDS

The stability network was established in 2006 with the aim to provide an opportunity for those involved in stability activities, including design, operation, research, or regulatory purposes, to discuss the available research findings as well as stability related topics in general at an international level, and to establish how these results can be applied in actual usage. 
The network and examples of topics considered since 2006 will be presented.

17:20 - 17:50 Understanding stability of ships 

What is meant by stability of a ship? by Erik Tvedt, Danish Maritime Authority

Ship stability is something every seafarer and naval architect is taught about, and therefore we are not going to give you a lesson in stability theory. However, there are some factors behind the tools we work with every day that may not be that well known (or has been forgotten). This presentation will therefore discuss issues like:

is stability an absolute? 
does compliance mean that we are safe?
the responsibility of the ship master and the operators.
And what about the rules?

How does ship stability interact with other maritime topics? by Alexander B. Kleiman, The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology

17:50 - 18:20 Refreshment 

18:20 - 19:10 Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria - SGISC

The regulation – How to comply with the new regulation by Carsten Schrøter, Knud E. Hansen

The regulation – In practice by Morten Christian Hansen, Mærsk

The final formulation – the Danish Influence by Søren Enemark, Danish Shipping

19:10 - 19:30 Damage stability

Understanding the damage stability by Henrik Erichsen, Lloyds Register

Stockholm Agreement by Erik Tvedt, Danish Maritime Authority

After the ESTONIA accident on the 28th of September 1994, the Nordic Maritime Administrations established a set of regulations on how RO/PAX vessels may handle water ingress on the car deck. This agreement, which is known as the Stockholm Agreement has since evolved into first a Baltic/North Sea agreement and the into an EU Directive. This directive is currently being updated, and the presentation will give a status on the update and discuss the consequences to safety and the industry.

19:30 - 19:40 Discussion

19:40 - 20:00 Maritimt innovationssamarbejde rykker og vil have flere unge talenter ombord by Magnus Gary

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Mandag d. 24. oktober 2022

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 24. oktober 2022

Kl. 12:00

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