
Space habitats and sustainable architecture

Habitats in space forces architects to think new. We've invited 3 experts from BIG, ESA and SAGA Space to discuss habitats and sustainable architectures in space.


Torsdag d. 16. december 2021

Kl. 16:00 - 17:30



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LUNARK Habitat C, credits: SAGA Space Architects

The webinar is organized in cooperation with IDA Space and Space Exploration Denmark.

Denmark has a goal of achieving climate neutrality in 2050, so green transition is high on the agenda. To realize the green transition there is a need for new science and technologi. Space already plays an important role in identifying climate change and in contributing to the green transition and in the protection of our nature, environment and biodiversity. In this webinar, experts will discuss which role space exploration has in solving some of the greatest challenges towards 2050.

We have learned that humans can survive living on the ISS station in low Earth orbit (LEO), or spend time exploring the moon, but to colonize the moon or other worlds presents unique challenges, not only in terms of surviving, but also in terms of thriving. 

The challenges of building and using sustainable habitats in space forces architects, engineers and users to think out of the box. The alternative solutions, which are likely to evolve in this process will influence how we here on earth can use these new technologies or materials, to ensure far more sustainable use of resources. 

Earth has all the ingredients to protect and sustain life. Exploration missions that leave the Earth’s protective sphere, however, will have to overcome many challenges, from conditions in space such as cosmic radiation and hazardous environments to human-specific conditions.

Space exploration is more than seeing what is beyond the horizon—exploration also helps us to understand more about our planet, our solar system, our universe, and ourselves. At the very core of human space exploration is the desire to explore the unknown and extend human presence deeper into the solar system. First to the Moon and then later to Mars.

Solutions to ensure sustainability involve many aspects, not only from a technological point of view, but also from a psychological point of view. 

Big scale 3D printing, deployable structures and inflatable structures are only few of the technologies which comes into mind, when talking architectures for space, but also initiatives to ensure the mental health of the space travelers, when they are leaving earth for long duration missions of 1 or more years, are going to be an evident challenge.

The next mission of Andreas Mogensen will present a unique opportunity to test technologies or initiatives that can also be relevant for the green transition. The date for Andreas Mogensen’s next mission has not yet been determined but is expected within a few years. This webinar is therefore also intended to inspire scientists and companies to come up with green experiment ideas for the mission. 


  • Welcome: Per Lundahl Thomsen, DTU Space
  • Pathways to Sustainability in Lunar Exploration Architectures, Professor Markus Landgraf, ESA Senior System Architect 
  • Sustainability in Space, Jakob Lange, BIG Partner and Architect
  • LUNARK Lessons learned and future focus, Sebastian Frederiksen, SAGA Space Co-Founder and Lead Architect
  • Wrap up. Cecilie Tornøe, UFM 

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Organizer: The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA

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Torsdag d. 16. december 2021

Kl. 16:00 - 17:30


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