Start-Ups in Blue Denmark - online
How do we support and foster innovation in the maritime industry? This evening we will focus on the start-ups environment in the maritime industry. New challenges demand innovative solutions that drive change and shape the future of the sector.
Mandag d. 24. februar 2025
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
17:00 Welcome
17:05 Danske Maritime Fond by Michael Finch Pedersen
The Danish Maritime Fund is a commercial fund supporting the growth of the Danish maritime sector. We fund innovation projects that help shape and develop tomorrow’s shipping and maritime industries. We provide financial support through seed funding for Danish maritime startups, scaleups, and innovation projects. This early funding aims to help good ideas become real solutions that strengthen Danish companies’ global standing in the maritime sector, positioning the country as a green and digital pioneer.
17:20 OCULARE SYSTEMS by Therese Malthe Ludvigsen
OCULARE SYSTEMS was founded in 2024 with the aim of developing the detection system of the future for the prevention of drowning accidents in urban harbor areas.
Using hydrophones, OCULARE SYSTEMS detects sound frequencies that will automatically alert emergency services.
17:50 GLAZE Technologies by Thorsten Bæk, DTU
GLAZE Technologies develops and manufactures hardware for non-destructive testing of maritime paint systems.
The technology enables, among other things, thickness measurements of individual layers, detection of rust under the paint, and determination of thickness and curing degree of wet paint.
18:20 Break
19:00 Cool4sea by Daniel Buhl Hansen
Cool4sea, was founded in Svendborg in 2014, and develops eco-friendly cooling systems for ships using waste heat from engines. Their technology reduces fuel use and CO₂ emissions significantly.
19:30 Closure
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Mandag d. 24. februar 2025
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
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Mandag d. 24. februar 2025
Kl. 15:00
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