
Strengthening Maritime Cyber Resilience

Maritime cybersecurity is of paramount importance for the safe movement of persons and goods that underpin the global economy. Get a status of where the industry is heading.

IDA Conference, København V

Mandag d. 07. oktober 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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Maritime cybersecurity is of paramount importance for the safe movement of persons and goods that underpin the global economy. Unfortunately, the increasing digitalization and automation and the efforts to find the right trade-off between security and usability, introduce new cybersecurity risks. 

This balance can be challenging to maintain in the face of rapidly changing cybersecurity challenges in the maritime industry.
During the event we will give a status of where the industry is heading, and dive deep into the latest development of the IMO guidelines by looking at the complex aspects of on maritime cyber risk management. The event will highlight the significance of protecting critical infrastructure and provide insights into the best practices when addressing key vulnerabilities and strategies to protect critical maritime infrastructure.


17:00 – 17:05 Opening by organizers  

by Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO

17:05 - 17:30 Cyber Security – is maritime on the right course? 

by Jakob Paaske Larsen, BIMCO

17:30 - 18:00  Cyber threat – how to mitigate on a personal level

by Jakob Joensen, Special Adviser, Center for Cybersikkerhed (CFCS), Ministeriet for Samfundssikkerhed og Beredskab

18:00 - 18:30 Refreshments

18:30 - 18:55 Preparing for the inevitable – how ports can prepare themselves against cyber-attacks

by Gadi Benmoshe, Vice Chair of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) Data Collaboration Committee. Presenting virtually.

18:55 - 19:20 Cyber and data security – New challenges in a digitalized world

by Mikael Johansson, DnV

19:20 - 19:45 Q&A and wrap-up

by Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO

Participation is free but registration is required. Registration is done via Remember that you have to log on to IDA’s website before you can register and you need to sign up as a member. If you are not already registered – just click "ny bruger" and follow the guideline. If you experience any problems registering, call IDA at phone: +45 3318 4848 between 10:00 and 14:00.

The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and IDA Maritim

Please remember to unregister if you are unable to attend. Otherwise there will be a no-show fee of 200 DKK.

Important information regarding personal data on participant lists: Your name, title and company name will appear on the participant list for this event if you have previously given consent or have given consent in connection with registration to this event. The participant list is available to the organizer and the other participants at the event itself in the form of an online participant list. At some events, a name tag is also given out, where your name, title and company name appear. If you unsubscribe from the event, your information will no longer appear on the participant list.

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IDA Conference

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1780 København V


Mandag d. 07. oktober 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 07. oktober 2024

Kl. 12:00

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