Unmanned and Unstoppable: A Future of Autonomous Shipping
As the wave of digitalisation and automation sweeps across the maritime sector, the development of fully or partly autonomous ships is no longer a distant dream, but a promising reality. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the helm of th exciting voyage
IDA Conference., København V
Mandag d. 19. februar 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
by Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO
The HUMANE (Human Maritime AutoNomy Enable) project investigated the broad range of human element issues regarding maritime digitalization, technology insertion and technology disruption.
by Erik I. Tvedt, Special Adviser, Danish Maritime Authority (DMA)
18:55 - 19:20 Atlas Maridan AUVs to operate the unmanned future
19:20 - 19:45 Q&A and wrap-up
The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and IDA Maritim
Please remember to unregister if you are unable to attend. Otherwise there will be a no-show fee of 200 DKK.
Important information regarding personal data on participant lists: Your name, title and company name will appear on the participant list for this event if you have previously given consent or have given consent in connection with registration to this event. The participant list is available to the organizer and the other participants at the event itself in the form of an online participant list. At some events, a name tag is also given out, where your name, title and company name appear. If you unsubscribe from the event, your information will no longer appear on the participant list.
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IDA Conference.
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
1530 København V
Mandag d. 19. februar 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 20:00
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Mandag d. 19. februar 2024
Kl. 12:00
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