
Unmanned and Unstoppable: A Future of Autonomous Shipping

As the wave of digitalisation and automation sweeps across the maritime sector, the development of fully or partly autonomous ships is no longer a distant dream, but a promising reality. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the helm of th exciting voyage


Mandag d. 19. februar 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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This transformation presents not only exciting opportunities but also complex challenges concerning safety, security, sustainability, and legal frameworks.

Advancements in technology will make the human-machine interface even more critical for the safe and efficient operation of autonomous ships (MASS). Although significant advances have taken place to develop MASS technologies, very little research has been carried out towards analysing the human element, the human-machine interface and seafarer training needs for working with concepts like Smart Ships, Smart Ports and MASS.
However, the journey towards maritime autonomy isn't solely about ship design, human-machine interfaces, and technology including connectivity. It's also very much about legal issues. Therefore, the event will place a particular emphasis on what goes on in IMO and EU and take stock of the development of the MASS Code in IMO.


17:00 – 17:10 Opening by organizers
by Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO

17:10 - 17:35 The Human Aspect and MASS 
by Dr. Jonathan Earthy, Human Factors Coordinator, Lloyd's Register (LR)

The HUMANE (Human Maritime AutoNomy Enable) project investigated the broad range of human element issues regarding maritime digitalization, technology insertion and technology disruption. 
The findings of this project will be summarised and an ergonomics vision for maritime digitalisation will be discussed.

17:35 - 18:00 What goes on at IMO with regard to MASS
by Erik I. Tvedt, Special Adviser, Danish Maritime Authority (DMA)

Taking stock of the activities in IMO with regard to regulation of MASS. Where are we with the MASS Code and which other questions are being discussed.

18:00 - 18:30 Break

18:30 - 18:55 Introduction to MARS, a test and knowledge centre for maritime autonomy
by Charlotte Kirkegaard Flugt, Signe Jensen and Kresten Petersen (SIMAC)

After a year in which we have laid the foundation for the test centre, we are now entering a phase where various demo projects will fill the framework. At the same time, we are working intensively with the biggest barriers to achieving a new business venture: e.g. legislation, safety, cyber security & skills.So, what is MARS, where we are right now and what is our vision?

18:55 - 19:20 Atlas Maridan AUVs to operate the unmanned future
by Marco Jacobi, Engineer, Atlas Maridan Aps

Developing and manufacturing autonomous underwater vehicle for more than 30 years, Atlas Maridan is shaping the unmanned future. AUVs have a wide range of applications from surveying over inspection to monitoring tasks and this presentation will showcase a few highlights from Atlas Maridan’s portfolio.

19:20 - 19:45 Q&A and wrap-up
by Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO


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Mandag d. 19. februar 2024

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 19. februar 2024

Kl. 12:00

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