
Wind assisted propulsion

The interest in wind assisted propulsion has taken up as a response to the intention to decarbonisation the shipping industry and pilot plants are sailing and underway.

IDA Conference., København V

Mandag d. 06. februar 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00



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The wind has roared on the seas for eternity and ships been navigated under its power and will for thousands of years. Join us for a night where we will look into the potential future application of wind assisted propulsion technologies in response to the present challenges. Wind assistance technologies will be presented and discussed in a modern perspective with requirements for delivery just in time and navigational safety. 

The night will amongst others include an introduction to the various technologies available and their strengths and weaknesses in a holistic perspective. Furthermore, considerations around the integration with the rest of the propulsion plant will be presented, along with considerations on the variability of the thrust provided by the wind technologies. 


17.00 Welcome and introduction
By Philip Holt, Senior Naval Architect at MAN Energy Solutions

17.05 Wind propulsion is working – how to further increase its impact?
By Rogier Eggers, Senior Project Manager at MARIN (virtual participation)

Although still modest looking at the world shipping fleet, the pace of new wind propulsion installations is increasing. Various projects have proven that yearly fuel and GHG savings of about 5% to 15% are achievable with ships sailing in reasonable wind conditions. We will look at a few of such projects. Further, we will also look at the potential to increase the contribution of wind propulsion, and the developments that are already ongoing and needed to facilitate that.

17.40 Measurement and verification of WASP performance
By Olav Rognebakke, Head of section at DNV 

WASP may soon provide an important contribution to decarbonization of shipping. Increased uptake of such technology requires trust in the predicted savings and accurate data on reduced emissions. Motivation for measurements and verification is presented together with relevant experience and on-going work. We would like to discuss what and how to measure and monitor, and how to perform the analysis. Our goal is for the industry to agree on standardized ways to quantify the effect of WASP with known accuracy.

18.15 Break – sandwiches and soft drinks

18.45 Development of a cost-benefit analysis tool for wind propulsion systems
By Martina Reche Vilanova PhD student at DTU

Nonetheless, shippers and operators are currently uncertain about which WPS is optimum for their specific needs and requirements. Since each technology can be superior for a particular set of routes, ships, and operational constraints, it is currently very difficult or even impossible to pick a general winner. Thus, this PhD research project aims to develop a cost-benefit analysis tool to maximise the wind’s potential and speed up the green transition. For a given ship and route, the tool will identify optima in the wind propulsion system (WPS) design space to minimise pollutant emissions and total costs (including potential marked-based measures). The goal is to determine which WPS class, configuration, and arrangement is the optimised technology to achieve the most emission reduction while being the most attractive for the business.

19.20 Main Engine Operation with Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion
By Dionysios-Konstantinos Neofytos, Naval Architect at MAN Energy Solutions

Currently, there are different wind assisted propulsion technologies, such as rotor sails, kites, wing sails-hard sails, retractable sails etc., available in the market. All these wind-assisted propulsion technologies generate thrust which is used to reduce engine propulsion power, thus to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gasses. It is expected that main engine operated in combination with wind-assisted propulsion technology will experience some hydrodynamic phenomena related to the interaction of  main engine and propeller. In attempt to capture and understand  these phenomena, MAN-ES has carried out a case study which will be presented.

19.55 Closure


The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and IDA Maritim

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IDA Conference.

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33

1530 København V


Mandag d. 06. februar 2023

Kl. 17:00 - 20:00


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Mandag d. 06. februar 2023

Kl. 12:00

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