Her kan du læse om de keynotes, der vil være til Driving AI 2024.

Anders Bæk
En rejse ind i fremtiden: Fra AI-sprogmodeller til AGI-teknologi
AI er en samfundsændrende teknologi, der vil transformere alle aspekter af vores hverdag. Anders dykker ned i, hvordan kunstig intelligens konkret vil forandre vores fremtid, og han gør os klogere på, hvordan vi kommer fra de nuværende AI-sprogmodeller til det, som nogen forskere kalder "menneskets sidste opfindelse": Artifical General intelligence (AGI).
Bio: Anders Bæk - AI-foredragsholder og tech-ekspert

Ismail Gögenur
Sjællands Universitetshospital
Optimizing patients scheduled for cancer surgery through AI-based solutions
In the presentation the experiences using Danish Health Registry Data for implementing an AI based solution for individualized care in cancer surgery will be presented. The following topics will be discussed; What is the need, what is the solution and how can it be scaled to a national solution.
Bio: A Professor of Surgery at Copenhagen University heading Center for Surgical sciences, a translational research unit focusing on individualizing care in cancer surgery.

Lene Oddershede
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Gefion: Denmarks new AI power house
On behalf of Danish stakeholders, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and EIFO has entered into a collaboration with NVIDIA, the global marked lead within Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). GPUs are absolutely instrumental for processing AI algorithms and lack of access to GPUs is the main roadblock for developing and deploying AI. As a part of the collaboration, one of the most powerful AI super computers, Gefion, will be installed on Danish soil. Danish academic institutions as well as private enterprise will be able to access Gefion which will be optimized for large-scale AI projects. In addition to benefitting from Gefion’s ‘super-powers’, users will benefit from the expertise, software and training provided by NVIDIA.
Bio: Lene Oddershede is the Senior Vice President at the Novo Nordisk Foundation and joined the foundation in 2019. She has established and now leads the foundation's activities within the natural sciences and technology fields, including activities in quantum technologies and artificial intelligence. Lene Oddershede has a background as a Professor of Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.