Her kan du få overblik over de talere, som holder oplæg i sporet AI på konferencen Driving IT Aarhus 2022

Prayson Wilfred
NTT Data
Machine Learning Flukes: Next Level Model Diagnostics
ML diagnostics and metrics evaluation are skills to be developed, a process of constant learning. As Data Scientists, we are forever in a position of apprentice. Always learning and improving new ways to develop and evaluate our models. Next Level Model Diagnostics is an art of looking beyond metrics. The art of looking at the model decision functions.
Bio: Prayson brews up machine learning algorithms with a pinch of math, an ounce of Python and piles of data to help companies gain AI competitive advantage by growing. revenue, slashing production timelines, multiplying efficiency, and making data-driven decisions.

Cláudio Ângelo Gonçalves Gomes
Aarhus Universitet
Introduction to Digital Twin Engineering
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are getting increasingly complex and generate large amounts of data. Analyzing such data provides us an insight into a given system.
The digital twin concept emerges as an attempt to seamlessly integrate the data and insight in order to improve system performance. It enables applications such as visualization, monitoring, state estimation, and self-adaptation.
In this talk, I will demonstrate the construction of a digital twin exemplified by an incubator system, including the benefits and challenges of each application. The result is a description of the building blocks of a digital twin as well as an example of self-adaptation.
Bio: Cláudio Gomes is an assistant professor at Aarhus University. He received his PhD at the University of Antwerp, for his work on the foundations of co-simulation. His current research revolves around engineering digital twins in various application domains such as agricultural robotics and manufacturing.

Maria Jensen
Detekter brystcancer med Machine Learning
I denne talk anvender vi det populære Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) datasæt.
Vi udarbejder en simpel machine learning model som slår mange af de allerede eksisterende modeller som er udarbejdet og publiceret.
Vi kommer igennem diskussioner helt fra evalueringskrav, udarbejdelse af ML modellen (med kode) og hvordan Machine Learning kan automatisere opgaver i sundhedsvæsenet.
Level: Beginner/intermediate level
Bio: Maria Jensen er uddannet indenfor sundhedssektoren inden hun valgte at blive civilingeniør. Hun er founding partner i Neurospace, og arbejder til daglig med data og Machine Learning.