
German-Danish Networking Event on Maritime Equipment & Services (Protection of Critical Infrastructure)

In light of the current tense geopolitical situation, there is a considerable need for protection and monitoring solutions for critical civil infrastructure at sea in both Germany and Denmark

Rambøll København, København S

Tirsdag d. 01. april 2025

Kl. 09:30 - 15:00


Tilmeldingsfrist 31. marts 2025 - kl. 23:59


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In light of the current tense geopolitical situation, there is a considerable need for protection and monitoring solutions for critical civil infrastructure at sea in both Germany and Denmark. Cross-border collaboration between Denmark and Germany is more crucial than ever. 

Teaming up with our partners Danish Maritime, IDA Risk, Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik (GMT) and VDMA Marine Equipment and Systems, we are happy to present this German-Danish industry gathering. Leading companies will showcase their cutting-edge solutions and industry experts will share their knowledge. Gain an overview of the current regulatory framework regarding the protection of critical infrastructure at sea in Germany and Denmark, as well as which technologies both countries are looking into. 

Seize this opportunity to expand your network within the sector and forge new international connections that can propel your activities in both countries. 

Preliminary program:

08.45 Registration & Breakfast

09.30-15.00 Keynote Speeches by German and Danish industry experts, authorities, companies, networking breaks 

After the official programme, a networking reception with light snacks will follow from 15.00-16.00. 

Please save 1 April 2025 for your participation. An invitation including the complete programme will follow.

For further information and registration 

We look forward to your participation.


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Rambøll København

Hannemanns Allé 53

2300 København S

Lokale: Se infotavle i receptionen


Tirsdag d. 01. april 2025

Kl. 09:30 - 15:00


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Mandag d. 31. marts 2025

Kl. 23:59

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