Design Thinking Foundation (English) - e-learning course
Unlock Your Design Thinking Potential in Engineering and Innovation. Though eight digital self-paced modules with instructor sparring you will learn the entire Design Thinking process and learn the most central design-methods and tools.
Discover the boundless possibilities of Design Thinking
In this course, spanning eight immersive modules, you'll embark on a transformative journey through the entire Design Thinking process. Delve into the most vital design methods and tools, equipping yourself with the knowledge to drive radical advancements in products, services, and processes. Each module offers a self-paced study experience enriched with engaging videos, insightful podcasts, and interactive assignments centred around your chosen project. Rest assured; your progress will be guided and mentored by seasoned senior consultants dedicated to your success and learning.
Unleash your design brilliance backed by continuous support
What sets this course apart is the unparalleled support from a personal consultant throughout your journey. The consultants, armed with years of industry experience, will provide you with valuable feedback, ensuring your growth and mastery of Design Thinking principles. We are committed to nurturing your engineering ingenuity and helping you leverage Design Thinking in every facet of your work.
Master the Design Thinking mindset, process and tools
This course primarily focuses on honing your design process expertise and proficiency with essential methods drawn from a vast design toolbox. Through this comprehensive curriculum, you will acquire the skills to:
- Effectively involve and analyse users, customers and domain-experts in your design processes
- Unearth profound insights and design opportunities through meticulous dataset analysis
- Generate ideas, build prototypes, and conduct rigorous testing
- Evaluate and cultivate the business potential of your ideas and concepts
At the course Design Thinking Foundation you come through:
The course is relevant for specialists, Managers and Project Managers
This course is relevant for all, who would like to gain knowledge about Design Thinking and innovation processes for example:
- Specialists, who works with innovation and product development
- Project Managers, who drives innovation and development projects
- Managers, who would like to get insight in the most effective innovation processes or would like to manage product development
The benefit for you – after completing the course, you will be able to:
- Apply the Design Thinking process and carefully selected design methods to design groundbreaking products, services, and processes
- Identify untapped opportunities for your organization rooted in user and customer needs
- Develop and test innovative solutions swiftly through the use of rapid prototypes
- Expertly discern when and how to deploy Design Thinking techniques in your and others' work
This is how the course Design Thinking Foundation runs
The course contains 8 digital modules and for each module there is a self-paced part and an application part. The self-paced part of this course seamlessly blends online learning videos, podcasts, templates, and interactive elements; all centred around specific themes such as conducting interviews. In the application-part, you put your knowledge into practice through challenging tasks related to your particular engineering projects. Templates and personalised feedback from senior design consultants will bolster your growth and understanding. With 24-hour access to the course materials over six months, you'll have ample time to absorb and apply your newfound skills.
Expect to invest approximately 24 hours over six months, shaping your expertise at a pace that suits you. Dive into the digital program, accessible for a generous 6-month period, and tackle each module, dedicating around 2-4 hours per module. Our commitment to your progress remains unwavering, as we offer personalised feedback on Mondays tailored to your schedule and readiness.
The course includes:
- Personal instructor feedback on assignments with over a decade of design experience
- 8 digital modules which contain engaging online learning videos covering the Design Thinking process, its five modes, and various design methods
- Inspirational podcasts featuring real-life case studies showcasing the practical application of Design Thinking
- Comprehensive educational materials, including method descriptions and templates, for your reference beyond the course
- Interactive learning elements that foster an immersive educational journey
- An Amperbox brimming with design thinking tools and access to a cutting-edge app that supports the hands-on application of the Amperbox tools
- Six month of access to all digital content allowing you to revisit and reinforce your understanding,
- An official education certificate with a unique serial number, validating your achievement and newly acquired expertise
FN’s verdensmål er en del af IDAs værdier
IDA ønsker at synliggøre koblingen til FN’s 17 verdensmål for bæredygtighed. Dette arrangement omhandler bl.a. ovenstående verdensmål. Læs mere om FNs verdensmål

Ole Kjeldal Jensen
Founding partner & business designer
Ole is specialised in Design Thinking, Innovation Management, Business Model Innovation, and Tech. Transformation. For more than 12 years, he has been delivering governance, analyses, capabilities and innovations for "those who lead your transformation and innovation". Ole combines hard data and creative design to create data-driven, sustainable and disruptive solutions.
Ole holds a PhD in Design Thinking and Disruptive Innovation from DTU and Stanford University, and he is a highly experienced business designer, entrepreneur and educator. Also, he is the founder of Ampersand.
The course is run in collaboration with Ampersand Associates, who is also responsable for the teaching of the course.
Please be attentive
When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number are forwarded to and shared with Ampersand Associates. Your contact information is used exclusively in relation to your registration and for the course itself, and it will not be used for marketing purposes.
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Design Thinking
Få indblik i, hvordan du kan styrke og strukturere virksomhedens udviklingstilgang, så du løser de rigtige problemer og kommer fra problem til løsning. Det er nemlig en dårlig ide at løse de forkerte problemer.
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