
Product Management

Gain a solid foundation in product management from strategy to execution and maintenance. Empower your organization and your career by mastering hands-on, actionable tools and techniques for Product Management.

Tid og sted

  • 05.05.25

    København V

  • 09.10.25

    København V

Varighed: 3 dage

The Product Management challenge: Why Product Management matters

In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable business and technology environments, companies face immense challenges in maintaining a competitive edge.

Many businesses struggle to:

  • Align cross-functional teams to deliver innovative products
  • Manage product portfolios effectively in the face of uncertainty
  • Navigate the complexities of digital transformation and evolving user needs

For product managers, the challenge is even greater. They must balance competing business and technical priorities, resolve conflicting needs, and leverage the right tools to craft and execute a clear product strategy.

This course is specifically designed to address these challenges head-on, providing actionalable frameworks and practical techniques to thrive in your role as product manager.

Bridging the gap between business and technology

This immersive Product Management course provides a comprehensive approach to Product Management, combining theory with practical, hands-on learning to help you  bridge the gap between technical expertise and business acumen.

You will acquire tools and skills to manage product portfolios successfully. This includes creating product strategies, eliciting and analysing user needs, developing actionable roadmaps, fostering collaboration across teams and departments, and preparing scenarios for uncertain futures.

The course is for professionals working in product management

  • This course is designed for:
    Product Managers and Product Owners seeking advanced tools and strategies.
  • Business Developers managing digital or physical products.
  • Professionals involved in product portfolio management, strategy development, and cross-functional collaboration.

Your key takeaways:

After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Develop structured product visions and strategies with tools like the Product Strategy Canvas.
  • Map and manage your product systematically throughout their lifecycle
  • Elicit and analyze user needs through interviews and feedback collection
  • Create roadmaps that integrate technology and modular development principles
  • Develop future scenarios and use backcasting to plan for uncertainty
  • Enhance and facilitate collaboration between subject matter experts from technical and business teams
  • Develop a comprehensive business understanding relevant to product management

 Additional benefits

  • Access to the AmperApp: A digital resource with over 50 tools and techniques for product managers.
  • Case-based learning: Hands-on application of every tool and technique introduced through realistic scenarios.

Benefits for your organization

By participating in this course, your organization will:

  • Enhance its capacity to deliver innovative and customer-centric products.
  • Strengthen cross-departmental collaboration and strategic alignment.
  • Improve decision-making with robust product lifecycle and portfolio management practices.
  • Increase agility and adaptability to market and technological changes.

Course structure and agenda

The course blends knowledge-sharing with hands-on application, integrating theory with practical tools to ensure participants can confidently implement concepts in their organizations.

Through a comprehensive mock case, participants tackle realistic scenarios and exercises, applying each tool and technique introduced in the course.

The course is structured in 3 modules, spread over 4 weeks

Module 1: Self-paced digital learning (aprox. 2 hours)

Introduction to agile workflows, Design Thinking, and iterative development. This interactive module sets the foundation for module 2 and 3, covering:

  • Agile workflows for prioritizing and iterating effectively
  • The design thinking process to drive user-centric innovation
  • Methods for systematic problem analysis and iterative product development

Module 2: Product Management Foundations

Day 1: Product Management strategy and fundamentals

  • Introduction to Product Management
    • Understanding the role of product managers as the link between business and technology
    • Core responsibilities and evolving demands in product management
  • Lean Start-Up and Agile Workflows
    • Practical applications of lean start-up principles
    • Agile planning and prioritization for real-world product management
  • Eliciting and Analysing User Needs
    • Conducting customer interviews and collecting actionable feedback
    • Identifying and segmenting user needs for effective product decision-making
    • Understanding how to leverage quantitative market analysis in product strategy
  • Crafting Product Vision and Strategy
    • Using the Product Strategy Canvas to structure and align product visions
    • Creating strategies that resonate with organizational goals and market realities

Day 2: Practical Applications and technology foundations

  • Product Portfolio Management
    • Tools for managing a balanced product portfolio and making strategic decisions
    • Interactive exercise: “Playing to win” for portfolio innovation
  • Product Lifecycle Management
    • Mapping product lifecycles and aligning with strategic objectives
    • Testing and iterating new products using lean start-up principles
  • Technology Roadmapping and Modular Product Planning
    • Developing roadmaps that integrate technology and product plans
    • Planning for modular product development to enhance flexibility and scalability
  • Interdepartmental Collaboration and Cross-Functional Teams
    • Aligning business and technical teams to achieve shared objectives
    • Strategies to manage differing priorities and foster effective communication
    • Hands-on exercise: Facilitating collaboration in cross-disciplinary scenarios

Home assignment 

  • Conducting user interviews and feedback collection
  • Developing or refining product and technology roadmaps
  • Piloting collaboration tools with cross-functional teams

Module 3: Advanced Product Management

Day 3: Advanced strategies and future-ready Product Management

  • Assignment: Presentation and Review
    • Sharing organizational project outcomes and lessons learned
    • Peer feedback and instructor guidance for practical refinement
  • Advanced Product Strategies
    • Managing systems with digital and physical product integration
    • Modular development strategies to optimize resources and innovation
  • Future Scenarios and Backcasting
    • Creating multiple scenarios to anticipate future market and technology changes
    • Using the backcasting approach to plan and adapt product strategies
    • Practical exercises in scenario creation and application for product management
  • Closing Workshop: Integration and Action Plan
    • Synthesizing course content into a personalized action plan
    • Group discussions on applying tools and techniques long-term
    • Next steps for continued growth as a product manager

Before the course:

  • Self-paced online learning (approx. 2 hours)

During the course:

  • 3 days of training (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM) with breakfast available from 8:30 AM
  • Course materials provided
  • Full catering for the 3 training days

After the course:

  • Access to AmperApp – a digital library of over 50 tools and techniques for Product Managers
  • A course certificate to showcase your new expertise
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TilmeldingLink kopieret


3 dage

Pris ekskl. moms


13.500 kr.

Ikke IDA-medlem:

15.500 kr.

Vælg sted og dato




Modul 2
5. maj. - 6. maj. 2025
Kl. 09:00 - 16:00
Modul 3
6. jun. 2025
Kl. 09:00 - 16:00


Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Arni Magnussons Gade 2

1577 København V



Tilmeldingsfrist 30. apr. 2025 - kl. 23:59


InstructorsLink kopieret

Ole Kjeldal Jensen

Founding partner & business designer

Ole is specialized in Design Thinking, Innovation Management, Business Model Innovation, and Tech. Transformation.

For more than 12 years, he has been delivering governance, analyses, capabilities and innovations for "those who lead your transformation and innovation".

Ole combines hard data and creative design to create data-driven, sustainable and disruptive solutions.

Ole holds a PhD in Design Thinking and Disruptive Innovation from DTU and Stanford University, and he is a highly experienced business designer, entrepreneur and educator. Also, he is the founder of Ampersand.

Martin Aggerbeck

Senior Consultant

Martin has worked with Design Thinking, Engineering Design, and education for over 10 years.

He holds a master as a design engineer and a PhD in materials and surface technology. He has taught design processes, requirements specification, facilitation, and user involvement at Aalborg University.

Martin has a hands-on approach to design, development, and learning and seeks to inspire companies to explore creativity and face their zero-mistake culture.

He has worked as a project manager and content designer at exhibitions and teaching programs at several cultural institutions. Martin is a Senior Consultant at Ampersand.


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Der er ledige pladser på kurset, hvis der er markeret med en grøn cirkel ud for datoerne. Hvis der er få pladser tilbage, er det markeret med en gul cirkel. Er der en rød cirkel ud for datoerne er kurset enten fyldt eller tilmeldingsfristen er overskredet.

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Tilmeldingsfristen kan variere fra kursus til kursus, alt efter hvor meget forberedelse der er på det enkelte kursus. Du finder fristen for tilmeldingen under tilmeldingsknappen. Vi beslutter en måned før afholdelsesdatoen, om kurset kan gennemføres. Det vil derfor være optimalt, hvis du tilmelder dig inden. Hvis tilmeldingsfristen skulle være overskredet, kan du sende en forespørgsel til den kursusansvarlige, som vil vurdere om det er muligt stadig at blive tilmeldt.

Kan jeg komme på en venteliste, hvis kurset er fyldt?

Ja det kan du sagtens. Du tilmelder dig ventelisten på samme måde som, du tilmelder dig et kursus. Dog kan vi ikke garantere, at du kan få en plads, da der kan være andre på listen før dig. Hvis ikke du får en plads, vil du blive kontaktet og tilbydes en plads på næste afholdelse.

Er der en frist for afmelding?

Afmeldingsfristen er en måned inden kurset starter, med mindre andet er anført under det enkelte kursus. Efter denne frist hæfter du 100 % for deltagergebyret. Hvis du ikke selv har mulighed for at deltage, er du velkommen til at sende en kollega i stedet. Du bedes oplyse dette til den kursusansvarlige inden kursusstart af hensyn til forberedelse, kursusbevis/certificering mm.

Jeg er blevet syg, hvad gør jeg?

Hvis du bliver syg bedes du orientere den kursusansvarlige, så vi kan orientere underviser samt kursussted. Du hæfter fortsat for deltagerbetalingen og kan ikke automatisk rykkes til næste afholdelse. Du er velkommen til at give pladsen videre til en kollega, så længe du holder den kursusansvarlige underrettet.

Hvornår modtager jeg information om kursusforberedelse og praktisk info?

Du vil modtage et link til IDAs læringsportal ca. 2-4 uger før kursusstart. På nogle kurser vil der være forberedelse fx i form af en test og/eller et forberedelsesskema, som skal afleveres en uge inden kursusstart. Du vil i så fald blive orienteret i god tid. I kursusbeskrivelsen kan du læse om du skal afsætte tid til dette.

Hvornår modtager jeg en faktura?

Du vil modtage en faktura ca. tre måneder før kursusstart. Tilmelder du dig senere vil du modtage fakturaen kort tid efter din tilmelding. Betalingsfristen på IDAs fakturaer er løbende måned + 5 dage.

Hvad er inkluderet i kursuspakken?

Kursuspakken består af fuld forplejning på alle kursusdagene, samt de materialer som vil blive benyttet i undervisningen. Forplejningen på vores heldagskurser består af morgenbuffet, frokost, eftermiddagsbuffet med kaffe/the og vand hele dagen. Overnatning er ikke inkluderet i prisen, men ønskes der overnatning kan vi være behjælpelig med anbefaling af hoteller i nærheden af afholdelsesstedet. Vi har også en række rabataftaler med forskellige hotelkæder.

Får jeg et bevis på, at jeg har været på kursus?

Ja, du modtager et kursusbevis på mail umiddelbart efter kurset er slut. Her er anført, hvilket kursus du har deltaget på, kursusdato etc. Dine kursusbeviser bliver også gemt på vores læringsportal, så du altid kan finde dem igen.

På nogle kurser vil du i stedet modtage en certificering.

Kan jeg deltage på kurserne, hvis jeg er ledig?

Du er altid velkommen på vores kurser. Du kan enten selv vælge at betale for din kursusdeltagelse eller du kan tale med dit jobcenter og høre om det er noget, de vil hjælpe dig med.

Hvis kurset fremgår af den regionale positivliste, vil det gøre det lettere at få jobcenteret til at bevillige kurset, men under alle omstændigheder bør du tage en snak med dem om, hvorfor dette kursus kunne være relevant for dig.

Læs mere om hvilke af vores kurser der i øjeblikket er at finde på den regionale positivliste for hovedstadsregionen og få mere information om kurser for ledige her: https://ida.dk/kurser-for-ledige

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Billede af Steen Jørgensen

Steen Jørgensen
