Achieve (even more) success in your role as a specialist
Strengthen your skills and gain greater influence in your specialist role. Learn how to get through, prevent conflicts, and navigate politically. This course equips you with practical tools to manage specialist role challenges effectively.
The Specialist´s role: Gain recognition for your professional expertise
As a specialist, you occupy a pivotal position within your company, offering expertise in a specific area crucial to its success. Despite this, you may often find your voice isn't heard enough. You might not be involved in key discussions or decisions at the right moments. Others with less knowledge or skills might exert more influence, and decisions could be influenced by politics or emotions rather than logic.
- Looking for this course in Danish? You'll find it here: Få (endnu mere) succes i rollen som specialist
If you resonate with these challenges, rest assured you're not alone in seeking acknowledgment for your specialist knowledge.
Equip yourself with a new specialist toolbox
Our course focuses on empowering you to navigate your company or organization more effectively, enabling greater success in your specialist role.
Gain insights into essential skills for specialist success: political acumen for navigating organizational dynamics and emotional intelligence for self-regulation and effective interpersonal interactions. Receive tools to enhance collaboration and manage conflicts when they arise.
The course addresses your current challenges as a specialist
We integrate your real-world experiences into our training, ensuring that the specific challenges you face in your daily work are shared and addressed alongside other participants over two intensive days.
During the course, you´ll focus on:
- Addressing common challenges specialists encounter in asserting influence.
- Developing your personal brand and establishing yourself as an expert and resource.
- Understanding organizational dynamics and leveraging political skills for effective navigation.
- Exploring the importance of emotional and social intelligence for self-management and interpersonal interactions.
- Learning strategies to manage and prevent collaboration challenges and conflicts, enhancing your ability to resolve issues proactively
The course is designed for specialists
Our course is tailored for individuals aiming to enhance success and recognition within their specialist roles.
Whether you work in the private sector, public sector, or within an interest organization, you'll find value in this course.
Your benefits:
Upon completion of the course, you´ll:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the specialist role and strategies for achieving greater success.
- Identify and address the root causes of your challenges more effectively.
- Enhance your knowledge of organizational dynamics and improve navigation skills.
- Develop stronger collaborative relationships with colleagues and managers.
- Learn techniques to prevent and resolve collaboration problems and conflicts
Your company's benefits:
Upon course completion, employees will:
- Gain comprehensive understanding of essential mechanisms and skills within a company or organization, complementing their specialist knowledge.
- Apply specialist skills effectively to achieve desired outcomes.
- Improve ability to navigate internal and external channels successfully.
- Address and mitigate collaboration challenges proactively and constructively.
- Adapt behaviors to de-escalate conflicts and minimize detrimental impact on the company or organization
Practical implementation:
The course alternates between short presentations, exercises, and group case work, as well as discussions in changing groups and plenary sessions.
Prepare and submit a one-page A4 document outlining the specific challenges you face in delivering within your specialist role.
While we may not cover every submission, we ensure to address the core challenges highlighted. You will receive a template to guide your preparation.
- 2 days – from 9:00 AM -5:00 PM (breakfast from 8:30 AM)
- Course materials
- Full training day catering
- Course certificate
FN’s verdensmål er en del af IDAs værdier
IDA ønsker at synliggøre koblingen til FN’s 17 verdensmål for bæredygtighed. Dette arrangement omhandler bl.a. ovenstående verdensmål. Læs mere om FNs verdensmål
2 dage
Pris ekskl. moms
10.000 kr.
Ikke IDA-medlem:
11.500 kr.

Torsten Laursen
eMBA in Management and HD, Certified Process Consultant and Partner at Decanus
Torsten Laursen holds an eMBA (MMD) in Management from CBS. Additionally, he has an HD in both Organization and Finance and is a trained process consultant. He is also certified/authorized in a wide range of recognized international management tools. With a strong, long-standing background in management and several years of experience as an advisor, he possesses substantial knowledge about the opportunities and barriers leaders at all levels face when realizing the potential of their companies.
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Læs mere om hvilke af vores kurser der i øjeblikket er at finde på den regionale positivliste for hovedstadsregionen og få mere information om kurser for ledige her: https://ida.dk/kurser-for-ledige