Scrum Master e-learning
Become a Scrum Master at your own pace with this adaptive online edition of the official Scrum Master PSM1 course. This course will prepare you for the official certification exam from Scrum.org, earning you the title of Professional Scrum Master®.
This e-learning course allows you to achieve your Scrum Master certification PSM1 (from Scrum.org) at your own pace. You will learn the relevant principles, methods, and tools needed to create a successful Scrum team as a servant leader.
Scrum is an agile framework designed to deliver products in a complex world. The Scrum Master training focuses on how to effectively work with the agile Scrum team and how the Scrum Master can ensure value creation within the team.
A high-performing Scrum team contributes to the success of agile delivery, and the Scrum Master helps steer the team in the right direction.
This course is for anyone seeking better insight and competencies in agile practices and aiming to achieve an internationally recognized certification.
- Intended for anyone involved in product development using Scrum.
- Especially beneficial for those responsible for, or contributing to, optimizing Scrum in their organization, including Scrum Masters, leaders/team leaders, or Scrum team members.
- Also relevant for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of agile principles and methods.
Your benefits
- An internationally recognized certification as a Scrum Master.
- Establishment of a solid understanding of agile methods and the elements of Scrum and their practical application.
- Ability to facilitate and lead development in a Scrum team as the Scrum Master for Scrum Teams.
- Skills to drive change.
- Best practices in agile development and delivery with concrete tools and techniques.
Benefits for your company
- Faster deliveries tailored to market and customer needs.
- Teams capable of delivering quality products and taking responsibility for development.
- Optimized coherence and understanding of the whole across teams.
- Improved performance in teams through enhanced collaboration.
- Change agents who foster a culture where everyone can thrive.
This is an e-learning course on the adaptive platform Rhapsode Area9.
With adaptive e-learning, you can take the course at your own pace. This means you can access the learning anytime and follow the modules at your own speed. The e-learning automatically adapts to your learning style and knowledge level.
Throughout the course, you will acquire knowledge about Scrum terminologies, various concepts, and the complete Scrum process:
- Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- Scrum roles
- Scrum events
- Scrum artifacts
- Scrum tools and methods
- Scrum facilitation
- Scaling Scrum
- Scrum in practice
Included in the course is access to e-learning, certification, and the book "Scrum Done Right," which serves as a valuable resource for daily work as a Scrum Master.
You will have access to the e-learning for 6 months. This allows you to go through the course at your convenience. The digital learning platform also provides ongoing opportunities to refresh your knowledge from specific areas, ensuring you don't forget anything you have already learned.
Exam & Certification
Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM1) Certificering via Scrum.org.
Passing score: 85%
Time limit: 60 minutes
Number of Questions: 80
Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/False
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