Working Effectively Across Cultures
Working in a cross-cultural team? Understanding cultural differences, communication, and inclusion is key to success. In this course, you'll learn how to navigate different collaboration styles, build trust, and create a strong, shared team culture.
Workplaces are becoming increasingly cross-cultural, bringing both challenges and opportunities for companies and organizations.
Differences in communication, collaboration, and leadership expectations can lead to misunderstandings — but they can also drive innovation and boost performance when managed properly.
Research shows that diverse teams can achieve 36% more innovation and 30% higher performance compared to more homogenous organizations.
However, unlocking this potential requires the right mindset, skills, and strategies.
Does your team struggle with
- not everyone actively participates in meetings, decision-making, or idea exchanges?
- communication being misunderstood or perceived differently than intended?
- inefficient knowledge-sharing?
- changing behaviour when leaders are present, leading to shifting opinions or unfulfilled agreements?
- uncertainty whether everyone takes proactive responsibility for their part of the task?
This course equips you with the tools to analyze cultural diversity and enhance your cultural intelligence (CQ) and effectiveness.
The course is based on research-driven insights into cultural intelligence (CQ) and includes practical exercises to help you apply theory in real-world situations.
We focus on creating inclusive and effective work environments where diversity becomes a competitive advantage. You'll learn how to interpret intentions behind different behaviors and turn potential frustrations into productive collaboration that enhances teamwork and innovation
In this course, you’ll learn:
- What is cultural intelligence (CQ), and how can you develop it?
- How to navigate cultural differences both within teams and externally
- How to build a shared culture in cross-cultural teams
- How to communicate effectively across cultural backgrounds
- How to build trust and resolve conflicts
- Practical strategies to enhance efficiency in your cross-cultural teams and collaborations
This course is for cross-cultural professionals
This course is for professionals who wish to enhance their effectiveness in cross-cultural collaboration and communication.
More specifically, this course is ideal if you:
- Work in an international environment and want to understand the impact of culture on collaboration
- Wish to strengthen your skills in cross-cultural collaboration and communication
- Aim to enhance your and your company’s effectiveness in cross-cultural teamwork
Your Takeaways:
After completing the course you will have gained:
- A deeper understanding of how culture influences communication and collaboration
- Practical tools to contribute to an inclusive and effective workplace
- An improved ability to engage constructively in diverse teams
- Stronger results through enhanced cultural intelligence
Benefits to the company:
- Enhanced team efficiency and innovation through better utilization of diversity
- Enhanced employee well-being and engagement
- Stronger cross-cultural communication and reduced conflicts
- Improved talent retention in a globalized workforce
Program (Draft):
Both days will be highly interactive, incorporating participants’ own experiences and current challenges.
Day 1: Cultural Intelligence and Communication in Cross-Cultural Teams
- Welcome and introduction
- What is cultural intelligence (CQ)?
- Cultural dimensions and their impact on collaboration
- Communicating across cultures
- Building trust and relationships in cross-cultural teams
Day 2: Leadership Values and Practical Strategies
- Hierarchies: Leadership, autonomy, and responsibility
- Risk and competition as key factors in collaboration
- Conflict management in cross-cultural teams
- Applying the learning in practice
Preparation before the course:
- Participants are expected to read extracts from the book Did You Get the Point by Signe Ørom. Specific chapters will be communicated in advance
- Participants are encouraged to bring a specific challenge they wish to work on during the course. Submission in advance recommended.
The Course:
- 2 days
- 9-16 both days
- Full catering (breakfast from 8:30 AM)
After the Course:
- Participants will receive a course certificate.

Mikkel Orlovski
Principal Consultant hos ConnectingCultures with more than 20 years of experience in developing cultural intelligence in global teams.
He is certified and experienced in various personality and developmental tests and tools within CQ (Cultural Intelligence) and specializes in cross-cultural leadership and collaboration.
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