Management of Risks – M_o_R® 4 Practitioner
A certain amount of risk taking is inevitable for your organisation to achieve its objectives. An informed and effective approach to managing risks improves performance through innovative approaches for managing the business, delivering services etc.
M_o_R® 4 is the definitive guide to managing risk effectively, providing practitioners with the ability to practically apply the framework in the workplace. It places value creation at the core of risk management and offers a practical understanding of how risk links to value creation and protection.
The alignment of M_o_R® 4 with internationally recognised ISO standards and a global perspective allows it to be implemented across different industries, sectors, regions, and geographies.
It is a must-have certification for roles where managing risk is inherent, including portfolio, programme, project, business change, and risk management professionals. It has a specific relevance for individuals working in product-focused environments and roles, offering a compelling integrated solution for the unique challenges faced by modern, digital-first organisations.
The framework enables certified professionals to deliver value to their employers and organisations in addition to enhancing their own career development. It includes valuable fictional case studies which illustrate how the guidance works in practice and can be tailored and applied across different sectors and organisations, irrespective of their operating model.
M_o_R® 4 also provides clear guidance on effectively integrating risk management to Agile practices at all levels of an organisation and helps teams and individuals to understand how risk links to opportunity and the delivery of benefits, without losing flexibility or competitive advantage.
M_o_R® 4 Practitioner is ideal for anyone working within a corporate governance environment that is responsible for identifying, assessing, planning, managing risks, or reporting on risk management activities across the organization.
The target audience is programme managers, project managers and coordinators, PMO, project and programme leaders, risk managers and portfolio managers.
Course Benefits for you:
- Thorough Knowledge of M_o_R® 4: Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the M_o_R® 4 framework, equipping them to navigate complex risk management scenarios.
- Increased Confidence: This course instills confidence by imparting practical skills for real-world application, ensuring you can handle risk management challenges with assurance and competence.
- Enhanced Decision-Making: Participants will gain the skills to make well-informed decisions by effectively identifying, assessing, and managing risks.
- Alignment with Industry Standards: This course aligns participants with internationally recognized risk management standards.
- Improved Project Success Rates: With M_o_R® 4 knowledge participants can proactively address risks and challenges, significantly boosting the success rates of their projects and programs.
- Cost Savings: Effective risk management leads to cost savings by preventing expensive project delays, overruns, and unexpected issues.
- Exam Voucher Included: Receive an exam voucher to obtain your M_o_R® 4 Practitioner certificate, a valuable credential that demonstrates your proficiency in risk management.
Course Benefits for your company:
- Enhanced Risk Management: Employees will develop advanced risk management skills, leading to better identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks across projects and programs.
- Enhanced Decision-Making: Employees will be better equipped to make informed decisions by considering and addressing potential risks, resulting in more strategic and successful projects.
- Alignment with Best Practices: By aligning with international risk management standards, the company demonstrates its commitment to adopting best practices, enhancing its reputation in the industry.
- Effective Governance: The course equips employees with the knowledge and tools to implement robust governance structures, improving overall project and program management.
- Cost Reduction: Effective risk management can lead to cost savings by preventing budget overruns, project delays, and unexpected expenses.
Course agenda
Before the course:
- Option to attend a 2 hour meeting a couple of weeks prior to the training.
- Access to the M_o_R® 4 "Digital Core Guidance" (eBook).
- The course program will be provided in advance.
At the course:
- 3 days of training: 9.00-16.30. Breakfast from 8.30.
- Meals during the training.
- The course alternates between teaching in risk management theory and case work in groups.
After the course:
- Exam voucher for the M_o_R® Practitioner Exam.
- Option to have a one hour 1:1 session with the instructor in the month following the training.
- All material is in English. The course will be delivered by Danish instructors.
3 dage
Pris ekskl. moms
14.400 kr.
Ikke IDA-medlem:
16.000 kr.
Jesper Brøgger Andersen and Toke Koldborg Jensen both hold a M_o_R® 4 Practitioner certificate and are certified as professional M_o_R® 4 instructors through AXELOS Limited.

Jesper Brøgger Andersen
Jesper Brøgger Andersen boasts extensive expertise in Project & Portfolio Management, Project Planning, and Risk Management. Specialized in bridging the gap between Business and IT.

Toke Koldborg Jensen
Toke Koldborg Jensen have a broad background within engineering and applied mathematics. Most of his work is related to risk and safety from project and enterprise risk management to safety analyses and railway safety management (CSM) as well as performing quantitative risk analyses.
Please be attentive
When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number are forwarded to and shared with Rambøll. Your contact information is used exclusively in relation to your registration and for the course itself, and it will not be used for marketing purposes.
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