Get a grip on the Six Sigma mindset, tools, and DMAIC
Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt is an intensive and practical course over three days, where you will be introduced to the Six Sigma mindset and tools. Throughout the training, we will coach you in working with data in a structured manner, covering the first two phases of a DMAIC project (Define and Measure), as well as an introduction to the control phase. We make an effort to make the teaching engaging and always put it into perspective for your own company or organization, so you are well-equipped to take the tools home and participate in Six Sigma activities in optimization projects.
In this Six Sigma course, we work with a data-driven approach and how we can support our claims with data – introducing measurement system analyses to ensure and test our data quality – and finally, we work with capability to ensure that we can document the process's ability to consistently deliver and meet customer improvements.
In the Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt course, you will work on:
Day 1:
- Six Sigma background
- Six Sigma basic structure
- Six Sigma project work
- Six Sigma tools
Day 2:
- Value stream mapping
- Six Sigma mathematics
- Measurement system analyses
Day 3:
- Capability and stability
- Control and continuous improvement
- Examination
The course is for those who want to be introduced to Six Sigma:
The training is aimed at those who wish to become project participants in optimization projects and who want to be introduced to Six Sigma and learn the structured approach to optimization that the Six Sigma mindset and tools provide, as well as learn to set up the first two phases of a DMAIC project.
There are no prerequisites for participation in the Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt course. You need to bring your own laptop with SigmaXL installed in trial version – information and guidance will be provided in the startup information.
Participants' benefits:
- You will gain familiarity with the Six Sigma mindset and tools
- You will be able to actively participate in value stream mapping
- You will learn to set up the first two phases of a Six Sigma project and support them with data
Company benefits:
- The company gains an employee with the skills to participate in improvement projects
- The company establishes a broad foundation for ongoing optimization work with Six Sigma and data-driven expectations
- The company gains an employee who acquires tools and methods to create efficiencies, increase customer satisfaction, and improve employee well-being
Course details for Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt:
The course:
- 3 days of instruction from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (breakfast from 8:30 AM)
- Catering
- Teaching materials
- Six Sigma software (SigmaXL)
- Examination – the course concludes with a Multiple Choice test consisting of 35 questions
After the course:
- Course certificate
- CSSC Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification (upon passing the exam)
Certification - Six Sigma education at the highest standard
In this training, you will become CSSC certified. This is the only education program in Denmark that offers this international certification. The Council for Six Sigma Certification's (CSSC) accreditation program ensures that training organizations' Six Sigma programs meet international guidelines, as well as ensuring they include the fundamental Six Sigma learning guidelines and tools. Additionally, CSSC ensures the quality and expertise of the instructors, as well as validates the amount of instructional days and time with each student.
Furthermore, this education is certified by the Lean Academy. The Lean Academy certification ensures that you can work with your new tools in a safe and secure manner.
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Kion Schmeltzer
Kion has over 25 years of teaching experience in Lean Six Sigma. He himself has achieved the highest Six Sigma certification level – the Black Master Belt, making him one of the most highly qualified trainers in the industry. Kion has primarily gained his extensive Lean Six Sigma experience through a long career, including roles at General Electric (GE) in Norway and Sweden.
Please be attentive
The course is run in collaboration with Lean Akademiet, who is also responsable for the teaching of the course.
When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number are forwarded to and shared with Lean Akademiet. Your contact information is used exclusively in relation to your registration and for the course itself, and it will not be used for marketing purposes.
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