Develop a leadership style tailored to each situation
In this course, you will learn how to apply situational leadership to effectively motivate your employees based on their unique needs and circumstances. This leadership approach acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all method; instead, leaders must adapt their style to achieve the best outcomes.
You will explore the four leadership styles and develop proficiency in the Telling approach, as well as the Selling, Participating, and Delegating styles. These styles are applied depending on the employee’s skill level and readiness for a given task or situation.
As a situationally aware leader, you recognize that success is not about employees adapting to the leader, but rather the leader adapting to the situation.
Master the Situational Leadership framework and gain insight into which leadership style best motivates your employees in their specific roles and responsibilities.
Throughout the program, you will engage with topics such as:
- Developing yourself as a leader – Strengthening your personal growth and effectiveness in your leadership role.
- Enhancing your leadership style – Understanding your current leadership approach and refining it to maximize your impact.
- Adapting leadership styles – Learning how to apply different leadership styles based on employees' individual needs and leadership requirements.
- Implementing a coaching leadership approach – Using coaching techniques to foster greater ownership and accountability among employees.
- Creating actionable development plans – Collaborating with employees to establish concrete and effective development strategies.
Who should attend this course?
This course is designed for managers, team leaders, new leaders, and aspiring leaders who want to develop their personal leadership skills. It is ideal for those looking to deepen their understanding of how to recognize and respond to employees' motivation and engagement in the workplace.
The benefits for you
- Deeper self-awareness – Insight into your own leadership style and personal preferences.
- Enhanced people skills – The ability to identify and understand your employees’ leadership needs.
- Practical leadership tools – A structured approach to selecting the most effective leadership style for each situation and employee.
- Improved communication – Strategies for engaging with different employee types effectively.
- Goal-setting techniques – Methods to collaboratively set motivating and achievable goals with your team.
- Influence and impact – A psychological understanding of how to strengthen your leadership presence and authority.
- A practical toolbox – Ready-to-use tools that can be applied directly in your daily leadership practice.
Benefits for your company
- A self-aware leader – A leader who understands their own strengths and how to effectively apply them in leadership.
- Adaptive leadership – A leader who can flexibly adjust their leadership style to meet the unique needs of each employee.
- Stronger employee development – A leader who adds value in development conversations and one-on-one interactions.
- Increased influence – A leader who can inspire, motivate, and positively impact their team.
- Business growth – A leader who actively contributes to employee development and drives value for the company.
This is how the course Situational Leadership runs
The course spans two consecutive days and includes a leadership style analysis (LEAD/LETA) to help you identify your preferred leadership style and explore opportunities for developing alternative approaches. Participants will work with models and theories to analyze employees and assess their development needs.
In the ‘Situational Leadership’ course, you will gain a practical leadership tool designed to actively involve employees and lay the foundation for a strong, development-focused partnership. A crucial aspect of this approach is understanding your employees’ skills, psychological readiness, engagement, and competencies to lead them effectively.
This is a hands-on and applicable course that blends theory, exercises, and group discussions. The interactive format ensures that theoretical insights are directly linked to practical exercises, allowing participants to integrate their own experiences into the learning process.
The course:
- Situational Leadership® workbook
- E-learning modules
- Leadership Profile LEAD (LETE)
- 2 course days
- All meals included
- Course materials
- Course certificate approved by The Center for Leadership Studies (CLS)
FN’s verdensmål er en del af IDAs værdier
IDA ønsker at synliggøre koblingen til FN’s 17 verdensmål for bæredygtighed. Dette arrangement omhandler bl.a. ovenstående verdensmål. Læs mere om FNs verdensmål
2 dage
Pris ekskl. moms
11.700 kr.
Ikke IDA-medlem:
13.000 kr.
Certified Global Partner
The instructors are some of the few in Denmark that is allowed to teach Situational Leadership®. This guarantees our course participants the best and most updated teaching in Situational Leadership®.

When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number will be passed on to Mannaz. The contact information is used exclusively in connection withf your registration and for the course itself, but will not be used for marketing purposes.
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