Transformational Leadership Program
Enhance your leadership skills with our transformative program tailored to fit your busy schedule. Over five days, you’ll delve into key leadership principles, from developing emotional intelligence to driving innovation.
Advance your leadership
Build high-performing teams, drive meaningful change, and establish your legacy as an influential leader.
Great leaders inspire with passion and purpose, aligning their teams around a shared vision and empowering them to achieve outstanding results.
Join this five-day, immersive leadership training program to develop essential skills that enhance collaboration, motivation, and innovation. Unlock your full potential—and that of your team—to drive transformational success.
Participant Profile
This program is designed for leaders at all levels with a minimum of two years of people management experience.
The benefits for you
- Learn how to embrace authentic leadership
- Essential leadership competencies for your growth as a leader
- Hands-on training in a safe environment
- Ability to put your new leadership skills into practice right away
- A network of peers for insightful feedback and knowledge exchange
The benefits for your company
- Authentic leadership
- Leaders dedicated to fostering team growth
- Fast integration and use of newly acquired skills
- Leaders connected to a strong peer network
The Program structure
This five-day leadership program is structured to maximize learning and impact:
- Session 1: Two immersive days to establish a strong foundation
- Session 2: A focused one-day session to reinforce key concepts
- Session 3: A final two-day session to solidify your leadership skills
The program takes place in a safe, reflective environment, designed to optimize your learning experience through:
- Workshops and real-world case studies for immediate application of new insights
- Access to digital resources and tools for continuous learning and practical implementation
- Personalized feedback and tailored action plans to drive measurable leadership growth
Expect a highly engaging experience, combining theory, hands-on case training, and deep discussions—enhanced by moments of silence and reflection.
Throughout the programme, among other things, you will work with:
Day 1: What leaders do and what leaders know
- Your job as a leader
- Management vs. Leadership
- The three fundamental roles of a leader
- Motivating people
- What employees expect from their leader
- Recognizing and reinforcing positive behavior
- Defining leadership – what makes a leader?
- Leadership perspectives
Day 2: What are leaders like
- Discovering your personal leadership style
- Balancing team, task, and individual responsibilities
- Leading by example and embodying strong leadership
- Key success factors for effective leadership
Day 3: Teams dynamics and performance
Explore the fundamentals of building and sustaining high-performing teams. This includes gaining insight into team dynamics, mastering effective communication strategies, and harnessing diversity to enhance team strength.
Day 4: Innovation and leading change
Gain the skills to foster innovation and navigate change with confidence. Explore the key processes that drive innovation within teams and learn how to lead transitions effectively through case studies and real-world examples.
Day 5: Transformational leadership and strategic thinking
Develop a strong strategic mindset by defining a clear vision and purpose. Learn how to create inspiring visions that motivate teams toward long-term success, utilizing scenario planning and strategic foresight techniques.
The course:
- 5 course days
- DiSC Profile (personal assessment tool)
- All meals included
- Course materials provided
- Course certificate upon completion
FN’s verdensmål er en del af IDAs værdier
IDA ønsker at synliggøre koblingen til FN’s 17 verdensmål for bæredygtighed. Dette arrangement omhandler bl.a. ovenstående verdensmål. Læs mere om FNs verdensmål
5 dage
Pris ekskl. moms
27.000 kr.
Ikke IDA-medlem:
30.000 kr.
Vælg sted og dato
On the programme, you will meet competent and experienced facilitators. The key facilitator is Claus Dahlmann Larsen.

Claus Dahlmann Larsen
Proficient in business consulting, change leadership, and digital transformation.
Skilled in driving strategy development, fostering cross-cultural collaboration, and managing key accounts.
Experienced in negotiating and leading leadership development programs to support organizational growth and transformation.

When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number will be passed on to Mannaz. The contact information is used exclusively in connection withf your registration and for the course itself, but will not be used for marketing purposes.
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