Project Management 2: Team management, commitment & project start
Can you get your team to work together? Learn to lead your project team based on the individual project participants and get the project off to a good start.
How do you best lead your projects?
The leading of your project team is a big and important part of your task as a project manager. Part of the key is to take your project participants as a starting point. For they must be led differently according to who they are as human beings. And this part is difficult.
There is a big difference in how you should work with your project participants when you e.g. must give them feedback: How can you best tell a project participant that what he or she is delivering on the project does not live up to your expectations and the requirements in the project?
It is a sensitive task to give feedback - especially when the feedback is negative. Should you focus on the concrete effort, say things straight as they are, or take a slightly more informal approach?
Your leading of the project team
In this course, we work with your leading of the project team: How do the different profiles work together in the project, and what requirements does it place on your role as project manager?
You get tools to handle different personality profiles so you can lead the project participants in the best way. We work from the DiSC profile throughout the course. It is built up of 4 different profiles. If you have not previously taken a DiSC profile, you must complete it before the start of the course. We will send you a test once we have received your registration.
The goal is to enable you to handle the project group, especially in the project's start-up phase, so that you get off to a good start. The better you as a project manager get a handle on the project team before starting, the better the conditions for the project to succeed.
In the course, we train and reflect on concrete methods for team development and project planning. All with a focus on your leadership of the group and the collaboration in the team.
We recommend that the course participant has reviewed Project Management 1: Foundations of project management or similar. This means that students need to be in control of the basic project management tools to get the most out of the course.
On the course you work with:
- The start phase of the project
- The project manager's toolbox
- Project planning
- Team development
- Commitment and motivation
- Group dynamics
- Innovative idea development
The course is for you who have experience with project management
You get the most out of the course if you already have experience with project management.
The course is especially suitable for participants who are faced with planning a project or a new main phase in a larger project. You are typically a project manager, project administrator, subproject manager or project coordinator.
Your yield
- Establish the effective project team
- Learn to give constructive feedback
- Become the good facilitator of the project group
- Initiate innovative idea development
- Create motivation, commitment and humor in the project team
- Relate the project manager's tools to the current situation
- Perform distance management
The yield for your company
- A project manager who can improve the start-up of projects in the organization
- A dynamic, efficient and committed team
- Faster implementation of projects
- Good creative solutions
This is how the course in Project Management 2: Team management, commitment & project start-up proceeds
During the course, you and the other participants will be divided into groups, which each plan and carry out your start-up seminar. Together you decide how the process should proceed and which tools you want to use. These choices depend on the project task chosen and the composition of your project team.
This active project start can allow you to be inspired by the beginning of your future projects, at phase start, at a change of pace, or if your project needs to get back on track.
Play and creativity
The course focuses on team development, as this gives a project a flying start. Here you work with the challenges of creating commitment and community around a task solution. Among other things, focus on thinking creatively and include play as a supplement in the establishment phase, as this promotes a group's development and sets a good tone from the start.
Before the course:
If you have not previously taken a DiSC profile, you must complete it before the start of the course. We will send you a test once we have received your registration.
At the course:
3 teaching days: 1-2. day: 9.00-17.00 / 3rd day: 9.00-16.00. (accommodation is not included in the participant price)
Meals - (breakfast from 08:30)
After the course:
- Course certificate
NOTE: Registration for the course is binding
3 dage
Pris ekskl. moms
15.000 kr.
Ikke IDA-medlem:
17.000 kr.
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