Evaluation: 9 out of 10
Learn how to use one of the most popular and effective Project Management Tools
Most organizations have realized the need to work agile with their projects, and Scrum is one of the most popular and effective project management tools for that. As a Scrum Master, you can have a key role in your organization's efforts to run projects more flexibly and successfully.
Scrum was initially used as a method by software developers who should be able to respond quickly when their customers changed requirements in the middle of a project process. But as a project management tool Scrum is relevant for all industries.
The basic idea in Scrum is that it is impossible to predict the development of a project and that it is therefore necessary to be able to change constantly during the work process. This is done by working in short sprints or iterations instead of a long stretch. The name Scrum originates from rugby, where it signifies when the ball is brought back into play after a game stoppage.
SAFe Scrum Master på dansk? Se her
SAFe coordinates Several Teams
While Scrum is typically used as a project management tool in a single team that has its own characteristics and dynamics, SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) is a method of facilitating and coordinating multiple agile teams in a single organization. During the course, you will learn how to become part of an Agile Release Train, where several teams work towards a common goal to achieve the greatest possible shared value.
Your Role as a SAFe Scrum Master
Your primary responsibility as a Scrum Master is to make sure that the individual iterations of the project are successfully implemented and that these advances are communicated to the project owner on an ongoing basis. You must also make sure that the team stays within the Scrum framework and that all members fulfill their roles.
As a SAFe Scrum Master, your responsibilities will be extended to ensure that you have insight into the other agile teams in your organization and that you are able to ensure collaboration across the organization. Once you are certified SAFe® Scrum Master, you can work as a Scrum Master in a SAFe organization, increasing your value for teams and organizations working on implementing SAFe.
You get a Versatile Toolbox
In addition to becoming a certified SAFe Scrum Master, you will receive training in servant leadership, coaching, meeting facilitation, and transformational leadership during the course so that you can master all aspects of your role. During the course we also work with:
- Scrum in a corporate context
- Facilitation of Scrum events
- Scrums roles and artifacts
- Facilitation of SAFe Program Increment events
- How to drive continuous improvement in the team and in the company
- Coaching the agile team
- DevOps and how to support a DevOps implementation
- Identifying the characteristics of an effective Scrum Master
- Ways to improve meeting facilitation, strengthen collaboration, and manage conflicts
The course is for those who want to learn more about working with SAFe Scrum in an organization
Typical Participants may be:
- New Scrum Masters who will get to know the role
- Existing Scrum Masters who want to learn how to work in a SAFe organization
- Team leaders who want to understand Scrum and use it in their team
- Project managers who want to understand Scrum and use it in their projects
Your Yield:
- You learn to understand Scrum in a SAFe organization
- You will be able to fill the role of Scrum Master
- You can facilitate the work of the team in SAFe Program Increments
- You learn how to build high-performing teams
The Yield for your Company:
Attendees learn how to work with Scrum in relation to the entire company and to plan and implement programme enhancement. The primary factor for adjustment at all levels in a SAFe organization.
After the course you can:
- Implement and operate Scrum in an agile team
- Work with Scrum in relation to the entire company
- Contribute to effective Program Increments (PI Planning)
Participation in the course prepares you to take the SAFe Agilist exam and become a certified SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM). The exam fee is included in the course.
- After completing the course, you have 30 days to complete the exam
- The SAFe® Scrum Master Exam is a multiple choice exam which is conducted online
- The exam is developed and hosted by Scaled Agile
Upon passing the exam, you will receive your certification and a one-year membership of Scaled Agile.
This is how the course in SAFe Scrum Master proceeds
Before the course:
- Programme for the days will be sent in advance.
The course:
- 2 days of traning - 09:00 to 17:00 (accommodation is not included in the participation fee)
- Meals - (Breakfast is from 08:15)
After the course:
- After passing the exam, you become a certified SAFe Scrum Master
- One-year membership of Scaled Agile
NOTE! When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and company will be passed on to Mannaz. A consultant from Mannaz will teach the course, and Mannaz will only use your contact information in connection with your SAFe certification.
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NOTE: The course is conducted in collaboration with Mannaz. When registering for the course, your name, e-mail and telephone number will be passed on to Mannaz. The contact information is used exclusively in connection with the course itself and will not be used for marketing purposes.
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